Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

@jonathan_gale I was told that other than the need to develop strength and mobility.. its also mostly a mental game.

Sometimes you think too much and experienced mental block that prevents you from being able to do it. I have a lot of skills that needs improving. DU, T2B (i got mine but sort of lost the skill after a while), HSPU, still need to build strength for better pull ups, still on progression for bar muscle up - i’m doing scaled one. I understand that it’ll take time.

Sometimes intense practice is good but if we keep failing the movement, being frustrated will make it even worse. Its good to know when to step back, take a breather and then attempt it again with a clearer head.

It takes time. You’ll get there. We’ll get there. Keep trying😉
@jonathan_gale Ring MU were this for me. And strict HSPU but not nearly as bad.

Even after I got my first ring MU they were hit and miss. I practiced them almost every day. Some days they looked and felt natural, and some days I got ZERO. I’d go through phases where I’d lose faith that I could do them and for a month or two I’d struggle to get them, and then they’d click again.

I’m now almost two years after having a baby, and again I’m very close to getting them back but don’t have them back yet. Stuck in the same spot I was for years. I just keep telling myself that the obstacle is the way. I keep doing the accessory, and keep making the attempts. I got them once. They were difficult then, and it’s okay that’s it’s difficult again. Frustrating, for sure. But just keep showing up and trying. I promise.
@jonathan_gale Have you tried using a band with a fair bit of resistance to catapult you up a bit so you can practice the movement? Or try using a bosu ball in the same way?

I also had the same problem for ages and realised I was actually too heavy.. I dropped some pounds and then I was able to do one!
@jonathan_gale I’m in the same boat. Similarly to some others on this thread I’ve stopped trying to do them and I’m just working on progressions. I figure one of these days my kip will just be so efficient I’ll accidentally end over the bar. But I feel your pain. It’s so frustrating especially if you’re pretty athletic and there’s no logical reason for not being able to do them. Keep us updated!
@lewlew222 Thanks. This is totally where I am. In my mind I foresee it feeling effortless. But then I go to do one and it seems impossible!! Maybe I will try to just focus on the drills for a while.
@jonathan_gale OP you won’t believe this… but I went to class today and friggen got one. Out of NOWHERE. I watched a video from this thread from TTT (I’ll post below) and the cue about sighting the feet really helped me. So I guess… it’s possible?!
@jonathan_gale Same situation here. BMU for me are inconsistent at best.

What’s funny is that all the drills and cues I’ve found seem to help everyone BUT me lol

I’m currently focusing on improving my strength while focusing on the basic mechanics of the kip.

Can i ask a question that is not in any way meant to be condescending? You say you have the strength, but what is your metric for this?
@greentwiga Try hanging scap rotations. Start with a dead hang from a bar, then make circles forward with your shoulders as if you're pulling them over your head from back to front. With a proper hollow hold, the rest of your body should follow the correct path, just a miniaturized version of it.

Once you start feeling the cadence of it, gradually add in some arm bend. So much of crossfit seems to come down to rhythm, so don't feel bad about practicing that rhythm where maybe you only get the top of your head over the bar at first.
@jonathan_gale Strict handstand push ups. I’ve been doing crossfit for over 10 years. I’ve spent money on extra coaching sessions and additional programing. And still it’s my biggest hole. Maybe one day…
@faray Are your triceps strong enough? My coach said it’s a tricep movement and I have weak triceps. Then started watching videos and realized it is a tricep movement so now I do tricep accessories everyday for like 5-10 mins. Now I can do about 5 strict hspu in a row!
@photographer It is most likely a strength issue. But what muscle is weak? Im not entirely sure. I am pretty strong overall. When I was training it I got my 1 rep strict press to 120 lbs with a body weight of 145-150lbs (f) I can do ring dips and regular push ups no problem. My pulling is really strong. I’m currently pregnant so I’m taking a break from all the upside down stuff for now. But I plan to regroup after and continue to get my strict press up. I figure once I get a body weight strict press it should come.
@faray (also F) I've never even come close to a body weight strict press and I have been able to do sets of 10 strict HSPU so I highly doubt it's a strength issue. There's a few things I occasionally see that cause people to fail reps.

1) When your head makes contact with the ground, it should make a triangle with your hands, not a straight line. Your head also should not be completely against the wall. Give yourself an inch or two of clearance.

2) Grip the ground with your fingertips like your feet would grip the ground in a back squat.

3) Squeeze everything - lats, core, low back, glutes, quads, calves. Breaking the chain makes it like trying to stand a wet spaghetti noodle on its end.

4) Don't look at your hands. Keep your chin slightly tucked and your gaze somewhere across the room, then punch your head through at the top.

Hopefully at least one of those tips will help you when you get back to being upside down (congrats on the pregnancy!)
@faray You’re basically describing me but not pregnant haha. It’s your triceps. Yea I can do dips for days and my push press is 140lbs but I realized my shoulders are overcompensating for weak triceps. Try doing close grip bench press and tricep push ups (narrow placement of hands) and see how many you can get before you get fatigued. This will be a good indicator if your triceps are weak.
@faray I completely agree on squeezing everything. I had an adult gymnastics coach who said to squeeze your butt like you need to hold in a fart in front of the queen, and it really helps with handstands. I’d add that it helped me to start with three, then two then one ab mats under my head. I got strict handstand pushups before skipping, largely because my first gym subbed wall walks for HSPUs and I hate wall walks with a fiery passion.

I have never come close to a bodyweight shoulder press either. That’s a different range of motion (hspus stop at the head and shoulder press goes all the way to the shoulder) in addition to a different body placement.