Body exercises for the obese?

@nickale Do you have access to stairs or something you can step on? You can do a lunge with the forward foot on a step and that way you’re assisted. If the step is next to a railing or wall you can use that you help guide you up. Keep going!
@usrname sorry if out of topic but is lunge only work for overweight people? I'm skinny fat and have been doing minimalist routine for a month, but never found lunges hard to the point I could do it for an indefinite time
@samuelb I guess it really depends on who you ask. For me, I follow the 7 primal movements and with that in mind the lunge is one of those 7 and should be done by everyone.
@samuelb Try doing 3 sets of 30 walking lunges (knee almost touching the ground for each movement). You are best finding the biggest open space you can and going backward and forward or in circles! That should burn.
@nickale If you can do only one and not in full range of motion, it probably means the exercise is too though for you and might cause injury. Try going only down in a lunge (or squad or any other exercise you try) and go back up by just standing up. This is called a negative. Or you can hold yourself on a doorframe or something similar to do it supported. You can also buy an excercise band for doing diffrent exercises, this way it will be less strain on your arms.
@nickale Remember, squats turn into cardio if you do them for 15 minutes instead of limiting yourself to "sets". Something I, as a fellow large fellow, learned since most cardio (running in place, burpees, j. Jacks etc) wouldn't work as I live on the top floor in my shoddy apt complex.
@nickale I think it would help you immensely if you can afford to invest in an elliptical machine. It would be easy on your joints and you could put on a good sweat.

Also, any kind of low impact cardio excercises you find on YouTube is something I would recommend. I used to experience problems with my joints and so I would do low impact hiit videos from Madfit channel on yt.

I would recommend for you to set some non weight-related golas such as improving flexibility or something like that. You can try to get into yoga if you're able to or learn how to twerk or find a dance channel on yt that you like and try to learn some of their routines. And then workout twice a day - once just for burning calories and getting that heart rate up and then once for reaching your goal of choice. Sitting at home all day greatly lowers your daily caloric expenditure and so working our once a day may not be enough to keep up usual eating habits.

Also, one more advice. I strongly advise you to try to cut out added sugar from your diet completely. There is research to support this approach - it is likely that your intense cravings (if you have it) will calm down. Doctors sometimes advise patients to try to cut out sugar, like mine did, but it is far more common that they will prescribe birth control pills and there are numerous business-related reasons for that. I mean, there is literally nothing bad that can happen if you try it for a week or two. And then if it helps you that's awesome. This is a great period to try something like this because you don't eat out or go out with your friends so there won't be many 'temptations' along the way.

This all is just something that helps me, I hope it helps you too 🤷🏻‍♀️
@nickale Push ups against the wall
Lateral raises with Tins of food (beans etc)
Shoulder presses with tinned food
Punching the air
Easy dance workouts from YouTube
Marching on the spot

Anything that gets you moving is a great step in the right direction!

Fat loss is in the kitchen
Fitness is in the gym

You can't make up for calorie surplus with exercise as a general rule, meaning, just get your calories on check, and use the exercise as a helping hand
@nbffan I was also going to suggest yoga, and you can also find a ton of stuff on YouTube. I would do some research on best beginner YouTube yoga and try to find something more reputable that way.
@nickale I would recommend trying out the recommended routine (see the wiki of this sub). It has really easy progressions. You will start with pushup with your hands against the wall or a high please like your counter. Instead of dips, you try hanging in the upper position of a dip for like 5 seconds. Instead of pull ups, you try hanging from the bar in an active position for a view seconds.
@nickale Do you have any weights or workout equipment? I think some resistance bands would work gr we at for you, as it would be very hard to injure yourself using them, and you can do upper and lower body!
@nickale Start walking. Weight over distance = calories. Period. You may not get the cardio benefit of running that same distance (I truly don’t know) but the work is the same. It’s the single easiest thing you can do to get started.

Park all the way at the far end of the lot. Tell yourself it’s to keep from getting door dings from other people that park badly. Go for a walk at lunch, etc. The heavier you are, the more calories you burn by simple walking.

You can’t outrun your fork. This has been the hardest thing for me, but actually tracking my calorie intake has been the key for me. I bought a food scale and I log EVERYTHING. I’ve gone from unable to run a mile to running three and on the verge of getting a pistol squat.

You can do it!
@nickale Sled dragging.

Get a used car tire, 3/8th eyebolt and nuts. Some nylon rope/ratchet straps, and diy a sled. Wedge a small price of 2x4 in the middle of the tire so you can put weight on it. 20-40lbs is a good start.

Take to a park. Drag. Pretty simple. Front drag, backwards drag. Plus, depending on how you made the handles, you can press and row it.

Very low impact. Easy on the joints. 20 minutes is a good place to start. Doesn't need to kill first.
@nickale Walking. It's safe, effective, sustainable, inexpensive, convenient, and can even be enjoyable if you entertain yourself with audiobooks, podcasts and music.