Bodyweight strength training programs in Google Sheets with videos & progression guides included - 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits


New member
I've been using different training apps for years now but they all have had some features that I didn't quite like. First of all I like that my information is available without being depended on 3rd party software and support for your device. This has happened few times where the support for the workout app ended and I could not get to my workout history or programs anymore.

Yeah I know google drive is just another service provider but most likely you will not lose your data over night when the developers decide to stop supporting latest operating system.

Ads are just super annoying especially during a workout you might accidentally click on an ad. Also the progression ladder for different bodyweight exercises was not very clear and I like that my exercises are listed in difficulty order.

I have also seen a lot of different excel files that are good but don't fully do the job. They were missing some features such as customization of exercises and editing the programs.

So I decided to make a better google sheets file that had most of the features I needed (customization, tracking and no scripts). I made this for myself originally but I thought that with some extra work it could be a useful template for anyone who is looking on how to build strength with bodyweight training. So this is aimed for beginners and intermediates who are looking on how to start and progress with their bodyweight strenght training.

Since all the exercises are categorized, videos on the exercises are included and guides to each progression is available making progress could not be easier ;)

What it includes:

-Pre made bodyweight strength training programs based on 2-4x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits

-Customizable workout template with up to 4 work out days a week

-One finger logging with mobile phone

-Guides included to each progression

-Video links included to each exercise

-You can add custom exercises to list

-Training block length 5-12weeks

-Tracking sheet that counts total number of reps done in a workout and highlights the rep count with green if you made progress. If you performed less reps the cell will turn red.

-Planning sheet calculates the training volume for each muscle group for you

-All features implemented with basic sheet functions. No scripts used so it is safe to use and requires no special permissions.

-By default exercises selected to fit intermediate strength level. Go up or down in the progression and select the exercises according to your strength level.


2-day Full body routine

2-day Upper/lower split

3-day Full body routine

3-day Split

3-day Upper/lower split

4-day Upper/lower split

4-day Split

Customizable empty template

All Programs in Google Drive folder for browsing:

How to use guide:

Quick instructions:

-Save a copy to your drive to enable editing and logging

-Select training block length

-Select proper exercises according to your level. I selected intermediate exercises as default.

-Enjoy unstoppable progress :)

-Have fun!
@icemasterpt Thanks so much for this, exactly what I was looking for. Is there a way I can download this to my desktop? I tried, and Google Sheets wouldn't allow it after I made a copy to my drive.
@fisherking Great! It would had been a shame not to share since I know that not everybody likes apps. Even if you would not use the tracking and log sheets the planning page helps anyone to plan their routine in a way that the training volume is visible. You can see right away if you planned too much or too little work for any muscle group...
@icemasterpt Hey, I‘ve followed your content on Reddit for a while and looked up your blog, do you plan on writing up some progress report or a summary of your training? I am very interested in what goals and progress can be achieved with only two workout sessions per week, I think it might be a good contribution if you would post your personal experience. Anyway, thank you for the great content you are providing!
@noita I would say there is not much difference to a 3-day routines since the weekly training volume is not much different. I usually run 2x fullbody or upper/lower split with around 6-8sets for main muscle groups and something like 3-5sets for arms/abs/calves. I prefer staight sets since those are more visible to track instead of HIT style AMRAPS, drop sets etc. Doing full body 2x a week for extended periods of time has its downsides due to the higher frequency. I have a tendency to develop some bicep tendonitis for example so running a lower frequency with 2x upper/lower serves as a break to the joints.

Progress might be a bit slower and the workouts are a bit longer but it depends on how well conditioned you are. Paired sets help to save some time. So compared to a 3-day splits or 3-day upper/lower it might take 10-15minutes longer to complete. So instead of 45-60minutes it might take 60-70minutes.

Such low training volumes doesn't guarantee progress forever so in order to make further progress some priorization is needed. Usually this is done in a way that:

-For three training blocks (5+5+5weeks) lower the training volume of other muscle groups to maintenance 3-6sets depending on the muscle group.

-Use the extra time and energy to develop selected movement or bodypart

-Usually this is something in the range of 10-16sets a week for the selected bodypart

For example I did weighted chest dip with slightly higher number of sets to reach a moderate number of reps with 0.5xBW added. Now I added some more light/moderate direct arm work since I had to skip arm training for some time due to bicep tendonitis.

I'm planning to give up the weighted bodyweight training for some time (chinups,dips, single leg squats etc.) and focus on the bodyweight exercises only. That could be something to write about after 6 months or so....
@icemasterpt Awesome.

If more people worked on this and kept refining it imagine how much more it could become.

Imagine a github project share based on something like this.
@kam4031 Could be a cool project but maybe the existing apps give better functionality already for those who want more. Sheets is pretty good for basic stuff but there are limits unless scripts are used. And I want to keep the sheet files script free so that they are safe for everyone to use. Enabling the scripts requires the user to allow the sheets file to access the google drive which is not good for security reasons.
Could be a cool project but maybe the existing apps give better functionality already for those who want more.

Even if they do, they could be missing things that people want to customize as a community. Especially BW / Gymnastics/ Calisthenics stuff is not that common in apps and the Time (isometrics) & body weight/ leverage based progressions are not easily mapped in most apps - which are "weight training" based.

Sheets is pretty good for basic stuff but there are limits unless scripts are used.

Yes. Why not. The beauty of a shared GitHub project is its Public and can have variations and versions that is built & improved together by community members in public domain.

And I want to keep the sheet files script free so that they are safe for everyone to use.

As I said; base ideas and bricks from all people that can be pooled together.

Enabling the scripts requires the user to allow the sheets file to access the google drive which is not good for security reasons.
@dawn16 I would feel guilty if someone paid for strength training programs which have existed decades. These workout splits have been around for ages but I have not seen many with bodyweight progression...