C+J Movement Standard


New member
This question was posed at the gym yesterday and I'd like to see if there is a general consensus.

When performing a clean and jerk, is the standard to stand the clean to full extension before going to the jerk?

Edit: this is not for me in my lifts, but rather a question for the standard as whole.
@oktheology -If during strength portion of workout, stand clean all the way up, reset feet to shoulder width, then jerk.
-If during a wod try to cycle so jerk happens out of clean catch. (L2 coach, 10 yrs exp. Competed in oly lifting USAW for years)
@oktheology in judged weightlifting, there has to be a pause between the two. in crossfit (the modality), it doesnt really matter... in crossfit (the sport) who fucking knows. the rules and movement standards seem change with the wind.

From IWF Rules: "The athlete must become motionless with the knees fully extended before

starting the Jerk"
@oktheology Blending the clean and jerk together is allowed, and even encouraged for barbell cycling. Idk if there's a rule about it for weightlifting within crossfit, but usually for a heavy single you're going to do a squat clean. Even if you don't, there's no benefit to blending the clean and jerk if it's heavy.
@oktheology No. Everywhere I’ve been a member has always allowed us to go directly into the jerk from the clean catch. Full extension at the end of the jerk, of course, but not required elsewhere.
@oktheology This is similar to the standard differences of a kipping pullup and strict pullup. On a heavy day, like Clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps, I'd encourage standing up and resetting for the jerk. For conditioning, like "Grace", cycling the reps together would be better. But blurring the lines here and there is a great way for variance. Once in a while doing a heavy day like "Gwen" may challenge someone to incorporate both forms.
@oktheology At my gym you need to stand to full extension after the clean or it’s a no rep and you need to lock out both arms and have control of the bar before you drop it or it’s a no rep for the jerk

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