Josh Bridges movement standards in 16.4

@jaylgee1 Yeah this isn't complicated. This is the standard and as you've shown this is how hard he failed that. I don't understand why CJ is denying the issue when it is right in front of his face.
@jaylgee1 I think if you're having to watch the WOD in 0.25 speed to determine whether it's a good rep, then it's fair to say it's a good rep.

There's going to be a degree of variance between judges and at the games they're not going to watch the video back in slow-mo and deduct reps from people.

That said, if all of the reps are clearly no reps then that is completely different (like the guy on the far left of the video).
@esy If you're having to watch it at 0.25 to determine its a no rep, how is a judge supposed to determine that in real time?

I think it's better that borderline is given the benefit of the doubt rather than getting no rep'd good reps. I personally think that it's only a no rep if it clearly misses the standard.

With the amount of bro repping that goes on in the open, you're at a massive disadvantage if everything borderline is going to be no repped.
@authoramandahines No, that just encourages athletes to do "just enough to fool the judges" which gives them an advantage if they do it well. They should be trying to make the judge's job easy by making every rep clearly visible by the standard.
@jaylgee1 Probably not a popular opinion but I think it's an optical illusion created by the wacky fish lens camera. They should really have taken the time to set up cameras for each athlete individually. If you watch the second round of deadlifts, especially for Captain Grey-Shirt on the left, you see a huge difference in the second round when he faces the other way and is closer to the center of the picture (still near the edge though). All of a sudden his deadlifts are coming much higher, although because of the camera they still appear to be coming up a little short.
@jaylgee1 A friend and I were going over this video a lot earlier today. These look like really borderline good reps to me. Shoulders, hips, and knees are in a straight line, even if just for a split second. Plus, Josh Bridges' upper body is pretty massive so that may not be helping the camera perspective.

I think that, having been to the games many times, Bridges isn't going to get tripped up by a deadlift. He's learned to toe the line. Regional athletes do the exact same thing with Thrusters. I've always been taught to push my head way through at the top of the thruster to make sure it's a good rep, but that wastes valuable time when you're competing at the elite level. For most of us who are doing the open for fun, knowing we won't go to regionals or the Games, it doesn't matter if we shave a few tenths of a second off each rep in a chipper. But this is Bridges' job, just like every other Games-level athlete.
@jaylgee1 His reps look fine to me. His hips are extended, not overextended. I think he's conforming to the movement standards precisely and no more.

I doubt his judge would let bro-rep him for over 100 dl's. The grey shirt guy is actually humping the bar unnecessarily.

Plus, the camera's fish-eye itself makes it difficult to judge anything. But this is reddit, where everyone is an expert on everything.
@vilanodavis HQ can ask for any top score to be verified by video. That's why all the elite athletes do it, just in case they qualify for regional or post a WW score. HQ reviewed this and the assumption is that it was approved on top of and above the verified box.

Any athlete who qualifies for regionals is required to have used a registered judge (that is, a judge who passed the online Judges Course) during
their Open workouts. If no registered judge is available to this athlete during an Open workout, the athlete must submit a video of this workout
for judging and score validation. Furthermore, any athlete who qualifies for regionals must have all of their Open workouts videotaped and kept
on file. These videos may be requested for review by CrossFit Inc. at any time. At least one video will be reviewed by CrossFit Games staff prior
to sending out regional invitations.
@vilanodavis OK. I'll give you that. The quality and effort put into meeting this mandatory video requirement might reflect the buddy relationship, but this video was absolutely reviewed. Who's to say that Bridges is still on the inside? Friendships go south. HQ knows exactly what they're doing when it comes to releasing social media to the world. Unless of course, this was posted by a "friendly" with blinders on? Kind of like how that HQ rep gave OPEX the unofficial official OK to use the small plates and then had to retract the permission?

Can't imagine this video is being embraced as a good example within HQ walls now... oops!