Josh Bridges movement standards in 16.4

@brokenandconfused I believe this rep is at 1:15 (I'm not a crazy standards enforcer, I just got momentarily obsessed with finding this!)

The rep before and the two after it are pretty good. Judging by where his head stops in relation to the rack behind him (which is at least somewhat meaningful since the camera and his feet aren't moving for a handful of reps), the four reps before these pretty good reps exhibit less range of motion.

That 5 minutes is all I'm gonna spend thinking about this!
@jaylgee1 I think people are going after the wrong thing with this controversy. It's not the DL that are the big problem it's the HSPU. In 15.4 Bridges had to keep his hand in a spot where his forearm was basically vertical at the bottom and even then he was just barely making the standard. Here he is a couple inches wider on both sides and is clearing the mark by an inch or two. They should make Invictus show how it measured for Bridges on the same wall. I can pretty well guarantee it's not to standard.
@jaylgee1 HQ should move to a video-required format for the open next year.

Everyone should be required to submit videos with their scores. The Games site should allow anyone in the community to flag a video for potential rejection. Videos with a high flag rate will be reviewed by official judges for actual rejection or score adjustment.

The Bridges video demonstrates just how bad the bro-repping is at some affiliates. We need to all be operating according to the same standards. Requiring videos will help with that.

I have to submit videos for the Open, it's not that much of a hassle. If HQ harnesses the power of the community, we could do a good job of keeping each other honest, and weeding out the problem videos for the judges.
@jingle42 On the one hand I don't mind, give someone all the bro reps they want and watch them get destroyed at regionals by real competitors.

Then again, you are denying the real bubble athletes from their chance at regionals.
@jingle42 This should only be for those competing for regionals spots or for the Masters qualifier. Now, I do agree that there should be an online qualifying round after the open for the top athletes in each region, where all WODS are videotaped and sent in to HQ for judging.
@cowboyphil The reason I disagree is that the open is sold to all of us, not just the top athletes. Given the amount of bro-repping that is apparently going on at some boxes, your placement really means nothing. You have no idea how many people above you didn't really complete the workout - at least to the same standards you did.

As a community, I think we could hold each other accountable through videos, and ensure the standards have credibility. Giving everyone that paid to be in the open, an accurate placement of their fitness level within the CF community.
@jaylgee1 Needs a different angle. It looks like a NR to me, but it's possible his back is straight and he's just hunching his shoulders a bit. BUT, the guy in the back on the far left??? Textbook NR.
@jaylgee1 It's videos like this that make me hesitant to judge certain individuals during the open. I can waste my time judging them to the proper standards, and they can just go somewhere else the next day, get judged by someone who doesn't know dick, and get 60 more reps.
@jaylgee1 I seem to remember an affiliate getting in to big trouble a few years ago when one of their no-name athletes got one of the top scores in an Open WOD that involved shoulder-to-overheads. He wasn't coming down to his shoulders on the bottom and wasn't extending on the top. If I remember correctly the affiliate was put on probation for a year and they couldn't judge any other Open workouts. Seems a bit crazy but that's what pops in to mind with what HQ did with them.
Thinking on that, I honestly am blown away that they posted this on their YouTube account. Seriously, how many athletes that are on the fringe of heading to regionals watch this shit - at a reputable affiliate - and see their athletes and judges trying to cheat through the reps and just think to themselves 'what the fuck'. It's certainly setting a bad precedent if HQ doesn't reprimand what are obvious violations of their rules.