Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

@cbsmel Am I the only one that feels nothing in the pelican curl? I can be almost flat and still nothing. Good program. Just my mini rant on pelican curls
@cbsmel Can I also include strength skills as sets that go towards filling out the numbers? I was thinking that i wouldnt include submaximal planche and front lever holds, but including deep freestanding handstand pushups and explosive muscle ups towards the front delt and back sets respectively.
@angelwings121763 You can do that if you want. But this is a hypertrophy program, not a static skills program. Hypertrophy is best achieved with full range of motion exercises containing concentric and eccentric part.
@cbsmel Yeah i understand that, thats why i said i wont include the static holds, moreso have them as light effort skill work to teach my body the correct position, and after the hypertrophy phase foccusing more on them. Im asking about moves like the MU and free HSPU and if they can be used to the total count of sets for hypertrophy.
@angelwings121763 HSPU is already included in the program. As far as muscleups are concerned, I am not a big fan of them as far as hypertrophy is concerned. If you break it down into pullups and dips, you can accumulate much more volume for your back and chest and that too with a much higher intensity progression.

For light skill work, I would say listen to your body. In the later stages of the program, the volume gets very high and you might not be able to recover from it. Also, PPPU with a 1-2 sec pause at the top and front lever row progressions will give you enough practice for the statics considering it was a hypertrophy program.
@cbsmel Dr mike also said to use these numbers as starting guideline then you will figure it yourself after some cycles. For example, your first cycle may start with a voulme is too easy for you and end with too high volume that is hard to recover then in your next cycle you will adjust these numbers by increasing your starting volume a little bit and reducing your end volume also a little till you figure your right numbers over cycles then it becomes a habit.

Great job on your side. I wanted to make something similar for myself but didn't have the energy nor the time to so saving your post.