Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

@iamtheman Special ops - funnily enough, idk if this is normal but all my scores (push ups, sit ups, run and ruck) are all at standard or higher but my pull ups are at zero still lmao
@dollfaceme23 No offense, but how is the standard for special ops only 5 pull ups? What are the other requirements? I assume things that are a little more difficult...I hope?
@minh The minimum for special ops is 5 - the others are 49 push-ups (I can do 77 max) 59 sit ups (82 max) and 14:52 2 mile run (I can do it in 12:00-12:30 consistently - my goal is to get minimum by boot camp so when I’m in boot camp i have time to get them above regular standards
@rsdar Yeah, sorry. Okay. He does step-off a chair and do a slow-drop negative. Once it is taking you like 20 seconds to get to extension, then you can do jump-up ones and then lower.

And then you can hopefully do a full!
@dollfaceme23 I'm 5'9 220. Always sucked at pull ups and I'm a fatass. So I started super setting slow negatives between my big lifts. Basically I would do negatives as slow as possible. Each day I was doing about 20. Within a month I was able to do 4. If you want to get better at pull ups do more pull ups. If you can't do pull ups than do negatives until you can.
@dawn16 Yeah I'm also overweight and out of shape but for some reason can work up to pullups. For most of quarantine I was around 200 and an inch or two shorter than you.

Negatives were the biggest thing for me too.