Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

@dollfaceme23 Yeah what it does is for example you can’t set it to take 40lbs off your body weight and to 4sets of like 5 or something and keep going down in weight until you can do 1 pull up without any assistance
@dollfaceme23 Do 1-10 pull-ups in the am. 1-10 before a workout and 1-10 after a workout, and then 1-10 before bed. I’d recommend just starting with two a day (am/on) and start at reps you are comfortable with. Then try to do more reps and progress each week. In about 6-8 weeks, you will be doing some good pull up numbers.
@dollfaceme23 When I couldn't do negatives anymore, I switched to a lower bar and did negatives with my feet on the ground. So I could assist with my legs, to get a bunch more 4-5 sec rep. Always with the max strengths possible out of my upper body
@dollfaceme23 Negatives got me past zero in a couple of weeks after years of assisted machines failing me. The Fighter Pull-Up program is fantastic, just do it negative until you can do a normal pull-up
@dollfaceme23 I consider that these four factors are critical:
  • high volume: even every day, within moderation and paying attention to your sensations
  • eccentrics or 'negative' pull-ups
  • isometric hold (5 seconds, 10seconds,...)
  • row, inverted row, etc. and push-ups (strict) --> please notice that those may need previous work on core stabilisation (isometric hollow , v sit ups, hollow body rocks, etc.)
  • assisted (with bands) pull-ups, for biomechanical reasons
@dollfaceme23 Started this January and I went from 0 to my current max 15 pull-ups.

What I did was 3 sets of Australian pull-ups where without 1 set was 12 wide grip, 12 shoulder widths, 12 close grip.

3 sets of scapula pull ups - 12 reps

3 sets of negative pull ups - 5 to 7 reps.

On each set I was going to pretty much failure, and did the negative when I couldn’t complete the reps. Plenty of rest in between the sets, 1 - 3 minutes.

As I progressed I did less and less Australian pull ups and more regular pull-ups.

When I got to 8 pull-ups, I stated using a weight vest and my pull up strength after that exploded.

An important detail is that I am 5.7 feet and weight 69kg.
@dollfaceme23 Being honest I have never counted, just thought about squeezing the most out of it as my body slowly lowered. Probably around 4 seconds as well, feels like 30 mins in the moment jaja