Dealing with tired


New member
So I’m 8 weeks into the life style change of diet and exercise. And for the past 4 weeks I am tired most of the time and just blah.

Quick stats:
38 Male
336 lbs - started at 350 lbs
Calorie deficit is around 500 kCals

Exercise: 1 - 1.5 hours of strength training 5 to 6 days a week. 20-30 minutes of HIIT 5 days a week. 10,500 steps daily on average. Outdoor cycling 20 miles a week. My 6 year old just learned to ride without training wheels so he’s hooked to riding.

Diet: Protein average is 180 grams a day, sometimes more because I am a sucker for lean chicken and turkey.

Fat is 73 grams per day avg.

Carbs are 155 grams per day avg.

Sugar is 55 grams per day avg.

When I started this change I had energy for days, weight was dropping nicely, muscle mass was increasing steady so on and so on. I hit a plateau at 340 so I adjusted to the deficit and the weight has started coming off albeit slowly.

The past 4 weeks I have just been zapped of energy. Did anyone else experience something similar? If you did how did you get around it?
@rakesh14021983 Bud, you’re eating in a caloric deficit you will feel tired no matter what, the first 2-3 weeks you don’t because you haven’t depleted your energy stores yet. Now you have and you’ll feel tired until your cut is over.

That being said it won’t feel as bad forever eventually you’ll get used to it.

You added a ton of change to your life between a lot of increased activity and then cutting calories as well.

Good job on the progress so far and keep it up!
@rakesh14021983 500 kcal caloric deficit, combined with that amount of exercise that your body isn't used to, is going to make you feel tired.

The exercise is important but not nearly as important as the deficit, if weight loss is your goal. I'd dial back the exercise a bit. You need to make this change sustainable if you want this to work.
@kano71 Came here to say this, but you already have said it.
5-6 days of strength, 5 days of HIIT…that means he is doing 2-a-day 5 times a week. That is insane.
And not needed.
OP-good job being determined! But you are better off dialing it back a bit.
@rakesh14021983 Other comments seem good, but one thing that might be a factor depending on how long you have been doing this. When was the last time you took time off? Sometimes, especially after 30 and HGH isn't coursing through our veins like it used to, you need to recharge. So if you have been lifting for 3 or more months, plus biking, plus HIIT, you may need a week off. I find when I have been lifting for 6 months without a break, I realize it, take a week off, and come back stronger than I was before.
@rakesh14021983 You’re tired because you drastically changed your lifestyle.

5 days of hiit is too much, weight train full body only 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week but even that for a beginner is too much because you risk burning yourself out too fast.
I’d suggest lowering it.

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