DEXA round 2: 23/5'8"/168.9lbs/35.1%BF


New member
progress pics

Today I got my DEXA, so I can now see the changes I made over the Strong Strong Friends 12 week program I just recently finished. (EDIT: link to program review post)

I started lifting in August 2016, but started focusing more on strength around 9 months ago near the end of September when I started SL 5x5.

My first DEXA was March 19th, so just over 3 months between these.

Original numbers vs new

BW 173.9 -> 168.9 = -5 lbs

BF% 38.6% -> 35.1% = -3.5%

I lost 7.5lbs of fat and gained 2.5 lbs of lean mass!

I'm still overfat but I definitely made some good progress.

My legs I think made the most impressive transformation. My BF% there went down just over 5%! I both gained muscle and lost fat, and improved my slight muscle imbalance.

For more details on my DEXA numbers check out this link

~If you want to check out my training, look at my last post~

Current best lifts

Squat 190

Front squat 125

Bench 95

Deadlift 250

OHP 65x4

Chin up 3 reps

Pull up 1 rep


I tried to eat about 2000 calories a day, working out about 5 days a week for 1.5hours each time, primarily lifting with HIIT or LISS 1-3x a week. I'm primarily sedentary outside of this time. I try to get around 130-145g of protein, 70-80g of fat, and under 200g of carbs.


I'm very pleased with my progress. I kept a small deficit in hopes of slowly cutting down fat while gaining a little muscle. I also didn't want to have my lifts be affected. I'm a data nerd, so DEXA is so great for me. I'll probably make a spreadsheet later so I can so all my changes graphically for each body part.

I've been kinda depressed these past few months since I moved back to America in February. The biggest effect from the move has been social isolation (none of my close friends live near me, I only just recently started to be comfortable driving alone, my SO and Ilive together but are temporarily in an LDR for the summer). BUT focusing on getting in better shape and my lifting has helped me a lot and given me something positive to focus on and work toward.

If you have any questions feel free to ask~~ 😀
@gvz Definitely. I had a few pairs of shorts I bought online that were eay too tight, like I couldn't button them, but I was too lazy to exchange and now they actually fit! Tight but I can wear them. My shirts are also fitting a bit looser as well, but I generally prefer looser tops, so that is harder to notice.
@littlefish40 Great progress so far! Looking to start my journey soon (been screwing around for a bit and not being serious with it) and this is motivating :D
@littlefish40 Awesome work my Strong Strong Friend! 💪 I am going to check out the program next... I have been following the Grip It and Rip It Deadlift program right now and I like her programming style. I'll have to read up on the program you've done!
@littlefish40 Great progress! Our body types are very similar and my SW was also 174 two years ago.

If you keep this ish up you are going to look fucking phenomenal with how strong you already are :)
@littlefish40 These are great numbers!! Congratulations! I have the same height and weight as you, but my lifts aren't nearly that high!

I find meg to be incredibly inspiring; how did you like the program? Was is customized to your goals at all or do you think the same program is prescribed to all women?