Disappointed with my 24.1 result

@damj I came on here looking for a post like this. I scaled and completed in 13:52. I’m 5’10, 84kg and consider myself fit (however very new to CrossFit). 17th percentile… I was humbled and disappointed by my score.

The reality that I tell myself though is you went out and got it done. Maybe this wasn’t your event or your specialty, but you completed a fucking hard workout. You hold yourself high on that for now, then you go again next week and give it your all.
@damj Yeah my first score was 10:19, redo at 9:39(death) I hear other scores and feel like I should have done better in comparison. But there was absolutely nothing left in the tank after my second go so I should be happy with that. I’m 6’2” so yeah I think you have to factor that in as a definite contributing factor.
@damj Fellow 6’5 225lb human here, hang in there man! I wasn’t happy with my result either, but at the end of the day, some workouts just aren’t for us taller humans. Maybe we’ll get a repeat of 19.1 and just crank out cals on the row and wall balls Friday.
@damj 2 more workouts to get it done. take the loss on this one.

If there's a rower or a wall ball, you know you need to drop the hammer and perform.. you're going to wipe the floor with us.
@damj A lot can change between weeks 1 and 3. Give each test your best effort and you can certainly still make it. There are people that will crush 24.1 but can’t move moderate weights fast and/or perform any gymnastics movements.
@damj I didn't finish. I'm in the 14th percentile. I'm quite upset. I climbed last time and finished much higher. It sucks, but the competition is constantly changing. The people and the stimulus.
@damj I’ve been doing CrossFit for a year now, and my % finish is around the same as last year. Last year I came into CrossFit as an avid runner. Now I hardly run at all. I feel like I’ve traded one type of fitness for another. I feel like if I added around 10 miles a week if easy running, I’d probably see noticeable improvements to my engine, and I would have really seen the improvements on this most recent test. With all that said, I believe I’ll end up doing a lot better in the next 2 workouts (assuming the require the skill work to excel in them).
@damj Same- very disappointed. Wanted sub 10, maybe even sub 9. Ended up completely blowing up after the 21s and it was a real struggle from there. Finished with 11:20, thought about redoing but decided that’s it for now, will retry in the off season
@damj In the opposite boat. I scored 52nd percentile with coming in just before the cap (RX) and I cannot believe my luck. Never thought I would score anything above 40th.
I am a normal sized 54F (1m70 is normal sized in my country, which has the tallest ppl in the world) and doing 2 Yrs CF now. My excersize history you can gather from my username.
O well. Means at least my cardio is ok. That is doing wonders for my ego already.
And it means the next 2 workouts will be very tough for me as I count on the total open to be well rounded. Good for you in those rounds, you will score nicely there!
@damj 5’11” female athlete, 170 lbs. Finished rx in 10:05. I wasn’t very happy, I really wanted sub 10. I rested on the bottom of a few burpees, and came all the way up between a few as well. Could I have redone it and shaved off maybe 30 secs? Probably. But no way in hell I am putting myself through that torture again.
@damj I feel this - been putting work the past 12 months to drop weight and the past 6 months to get my strength up and increase my technical skills (still pretty average at them). Had to goes, did better on my second by still only puts me 50th percentile worldwide and even lower in my region.

Some workouts you will smash, some will smash you, just gotta see what the next few weeks bring and not be too hard on yourself
@damj My husband, who is 6’1”, can Rx nearly any workout, and lifts more than most in our gym, did not finish. Twice. He was SO disappointed.

Meanwhile, me at 5’1” and am thrilled when I’m occasionally able to Rx a workout, did it in 10:34.

It’s just a whole lot more work for the taller and/or larger athlete on this one.

I will say, was fun to have a workout I could actually do well at for once though. That doesn’t come around too often.
@damj I use the 50s on the regular. I scaled it and finished at 10:29. I’m also 5’9. This workout was just not for you. If it was wallballs and rowing, our scores would be reversed with me capping. Don’t be discouraged, two more workouts to go (with one having two scores most likely). Just keep your head up and keep going
@damj Hey, you got it done, that’s the main thing! It was a cool test, good little benchmark for a few repeats through the year. I’ll be doing it to check my progress and practice sticking to a plan.