Disappointed with my 24.1 result


New member
Hey Team. I'm currently sat in the 55 percentile for my 24.1 result (12:51). This year I was really hoping to get to the Quarter finals and it feels as though this is now not possible. Last year I finished in the 65 percentile and I trained pretty hard this year to make sure I got to the cut off, i got stronger and my gymnastics really improved but my engine just isn't where it needs to be (im also 6ft4 and 105 kg so maybe 24.1 wasn't for me). Is anyone else in this boat?
@dawn16 I'm with you! 😂 Need to keep reminding myself that I went in not knowing I'd even be able to to do the Rx weight. But I made it through 145 reps. Not great but at least I tried! And it went better than expected, ish
@damj I got capped. RX. I could have (and should have) finished, but I came out too hot and died. Thought about re-doing it, but it doesn’t really matter in the end so I decided to accept it and move on. I will probably retest it in a month on my own during open gym just so that I can confirm to myself that this was a finishable workout for me.

I’m still salty about it. Probably going to be salty about it for a minute. LOL.
@jck64 Me too. Gassed and couldn’t breathe and got dizzy. Embarrassing but I’ve also trained like 6 times in last two months due to surgery and nagging injuries so I prob did fine for my current crappy fitness level 🤷🏼‍♂️
@damj I didn't even finish because half way through I realized that I don't actually like doing CF and I'm only there to get healthy amounts of exercise.
@kmoreno PREACH!!!

I felt like I was going to die how tf did anyone finish this shit!!!

Everyone at my gym gassed me up to compete. I started 4 months ago and I never competed and getting back into working out so ofc I was dead fucking last :( I glad I at least did it. its better being a "loser" than a spectator

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