F/29 1.5 year transformation. Fluffy mom of two to Figure competitor


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Pictures Mildly NSFW! Underwear.

Per request here are a few more pics of my torso without posing/flexing. These are from last week:
145lbs-->113lbs (on show day)-->120ish lbs today. I am 5'4".

I have been weight lifting since fall 2012 after my daughter was born. I instantly fell in love. Working out and staying active through my second pregnancy, I was pretty discouraged after my son's birth in 2014. I gained a normal, healthy amount of weight, but I wasn't comfortable in my body. I started at a new gym, hired a trainer to help me advance in my lifting and diet. I went balls to the wall starting in fall 2015 when I decided to do an NPC figure competition. I had an amazing trainer who was with me every step of the way, and I was super proud of the package I brought to the stage in April 2016. I did this while working from home with two babies.

I had a successful reverse diet and have been mostly maintaining. I am trying to "lean bulk" but it's been challenging. I've also had some personal/family stuff so to me the fact that I am still in the gym giving it my best while my personal life has been very difficult is really encouraging to me. I am planning an actual bulk (probably at least 200-400 cals over maintenance) starting in January. I have been getting over my fear of gaining fat, and I think I'm ready. I do want to be lean for vacation in December since I will be wearing a bikini, haha!

Routine changes a lot, right now it's:

Mon: Legs (focus changes)/abs

Tues: Shoulders/tri/obliques

Wed: Rest (sometimes yoga)

Thurs: Chest/tri/abs

Fri: Back/bi/obliques

Sat: Yoga or rest

Sun: Rest

Haven't been counting macros for awhile, but I have a very good idea what my body needs. I eat very "clean" through the week and have a couple "free" meals sprinkled in. I generally just eat 80% "clean" and 20% whatever I feel like. I will be much more precise once I am intentionally starting to bulk.

Thanks for reading!
@dawn16 I was trying to show my whole body, don't have a lot of leg pics for some reason. Was going to add those other pics but was trying to keep the album shorter. I can add those to my OP. thanks for the feedback.
@solonotsingle See how your neck is flexed and your shoulders are pulled up and back, and your rib cage is flared and lifted? That's posing, not just standing up straight with a long torso
@dawn16 Congrats on your little pumpkin!

My biggest advice is let yourself heal. I was back in the gym by 4 weeks PP w doc approval but super light weight and took it easy. It takes about 12 months for your body to completely heal. But I'm living proof it can be done!! I'm no special snowflake. Good luck!!😊
@inchristforever Haha thank you!! My kids go to the gym every day with me and help me grocery shop and cook. I hope to instill a healthy lifestyle into them so they have the knowledge I ever did. Thanks for reading 😌
@jubileelee It's difficult. I'm not always on point with my meal prep. But I try to make a lot of food in the crock pot or make double batches and freeze. I get my kids involved with grocery shopping and cooking so they know what a balanced diet is. They usually eat what I eat (except my son who eats oatmeal and yogurt only right now 😬).

I plan my meals a week in advance so I haven to make minimal grocery stops and less time cooking. I also eat the same things a lot.