One Year Transformation

@wewg5490 Inspiration and motivation will take you a long way. But all you need is discipline. I'm not a "great" but a lot of greats say that. It's actually easier than being motivated, because you don't hope for results. Instead you know that results are simply the effect of your training and diet. Stay disciplined for a year and you'll be physically transformed.

But don't train through injury - resting also requires discipline :D
@wewg5490 I'm 32 myself. Started RR 2 months ago, lost 12 kg (from 116 to 104) and progressed pretty decently strength-wise.

Although age is a factor, willpower is so much more. Go for it mate!
@thefearofgod Awesome job my friend, just awesome. What a transformation, and how exciting to get to progress from here, huh?

I'm at my one year BWF and fitness anniversary here too, at 46. So stoked we are progressing, great job!
@thefearofgod I feel the same way, after a year of a whole lot of learning. I just bought Daniel Vladnal from FitnessFAQs 18 week ring program, and am on week 2. Feels great to move on, I was maxing the RR and not experienced enough to program my own workout, although it didn't stop me from trying.

I'm super stoked on the program, if you are not settled on your next few months, I'd say give it a look.

Anyway, here's to phase two!