Feeling disappointed

@fayerie91 Here's one of the more beloved exercises. It apparently works the corset muscles, ie, the ones that create those snatched waistlines. If I do it everyday for a week at my normal weight (mid- low 120's), I see amazing progress. It's such a silly little exercise-you don't even sweat- I was amazed when it actually worked.

Waist whittler, as demo'd by a random yt'er.
@fayerie91 Yay!! If you start to feel weird pains in your sides after a few days, dont worry. I always freak out but it's just part of the process. It passes. I assume its just moving things around, lol. (Thats how fast it works!)
@rsciarappa That’s awesome that it works quickly! It sounds like just what I need because I don’t have any body fat anywhere except my stomach. And I think it’s mostly just that my stomach kind of sticks out (like early pregnancy looking) because of how weak my entire core is.
@fayerie91 I only do the stomach portion of the dvd. Im an apple, I don't need to tone my lower body, I need bulk. But when i was doing the stomach part regularly, i did it right before bed because it felt like a massage. I say this as one who got professional massages for years. You feel so relaxed and loose after. The dvd is currently on sale, fyi.

We dont really have strong waistlines in my family. We're short waisted with big boobs and long legs. I literally dont have the space for a waistline, but somehow, some way, this program does it. Its magic. I come back to it whenever Im feeling thick around the middle.
@fayerie91 I (22F) have been lifting weights for a year, and in about 3 months, you will start to see changes if you are consistently working out and counting calories.
@fayerie91 Focus on getting strong and the aesthetics will take care of themselves.

Full body 2-3x a week, keep your calories around your maintenance and I would bet you aren't eating anywhere near enough protein (you want to be hitting 100-120g of protein daily at your weight)

It does take time but this is what you need to change your body composition. It's all about consistency.

As long as you're getting stronger you'll know you're heading in the right direction.
@fayerie91 Weight loss is at least 90% dependent on diet. If you are not losing weight, eat even less.
The first few pounds are easiest to lose when you correct your lifestyle, it shows within days, not even weeks. You shouldn't wait for months for the first few pounds to be gone.

Anyways, you are not dieting for weight loss or health, but abs. That's quite different.
Track your food more closely.
Get an instructor, the workouts become twice as intense and results are also much better.
@ericab I don’t weigh myself. I don’t even own a scale because I’m not so much worried about the number as I am appearance. I only know how much I weigh because of doctor appointments.
@fayerie91 Walk, daily do a few km, I changed my diet to mainly meat as it keeps me full for longer and contains no carbs and relatively little calories. After a few months of this and the weight fell off me. I am a 50 yr old man and I dropped 15kilos in about 9 months. I do weights but I do them now to build up bulk and muscle, it doesn't do a good job of losing fat but carnivore diet plus several km walking a day strips off the fat. Summary is burn fat with mild cardio and diet, tighten up muscle and bone density using weights, if you swap each its purpose they won't do what you want.