7 months into lifting, feeling like I'm not doing good enough.

@kimdawnxo I agree, it's frustrating to struggle so much on it. I've watched a lot of videos on incline bench. My technique is alright although I've noticed that sometimes I subconsciously arch my back instead of driving it into the bench to stay flat. When I do drive into the bench to flatten my back the load feels even heavier so recently I've actually deloaded the weight to focus on form regarding that. Eating is hard man 😅
@cleannie Maingaining is a lie, you need to bulk. I even drank olive oil in glass shots just to hit 4000 kcal, ended up at 107 kg (~20% bodyfat) from 66kg in a few years, now doing my first cut. 140kg bench, 200 deadlift, 160 squat, but i mostly do hypertrophy training.

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