First time leaving the house in 6 months - went to the gym!


New member
After being housebound for 6 months straight (no exaggeration) due to chronic illness and agoraphobia I went out for the first time yesterday to the gym. I haven’t worked out since October last year. I’m so excited to be fit again! So I wanted to celebrate that mainly, but I also have a question.

Do y’all have any tips for working with the machines? They look intimidating but I want to move on from the basic floor work and body weight stuff I was doing before.

@robertadico Nicely done! Leaving the house is amazing progress. Definitely ask for help from staff if you feel comfortable enough..if not, I always looked up many youtube videos for step by step instructions before going to the gym. Ashley Horner is great! I started at, it use to be free but I'm sure it could still help! Good luck! Have fun! Honestly, people are sooo nice at the gym, they love helping. Do not think you look silly learning, you gotta start somewhere! Comparison is the thief of joy! Focus on your goals, put some earphones in and just do your thing. Find that confidence.
@robertadico I just started back at the gym this week after not going this past year. I am focusing on easing myself into it this week. Sunday was my first day back and I spent it walking all over the gym and trying different equipment out for an all body workout. It helped to acquaint myself with a new gym and new equipment. I second taking a look at online templates and YouTube videos. Don’t be afraid to look like a newbie! Everyone was one once.
@robertadico There is a diagram on the machine but the machines at my gym also have a QR code you can scan and watch a quick video! I find those super helpful. If you use the Strong app, you can also search by machine and usually get a good idea of the movement of each one.
@robertadico Years ago when I went from my TINY apartment gym to a huge gym, I hired a personal trainer for a hour JUST to walk me through how to use all the machines properly. I thought it was worth every penny to have someone ‘hold my hand’ learning everything instead of being intimidated, and she gave me great tips about each machine too!
@robertadico Congrats to you for taking the big step to get out of the house! Great job because the first step is often the most difficult :)

I used to do a google image search to find out how to use certain machines, but I would look for gifs. For example, "leg press machine gif". I would get a ton of quick images without having to log onto youtube and fast forward through the introductions and other small talk.

Also, I found free weights to be easier to use. Sometimes the machines can be particularly complicated. The most simple thing like getting the pin out from under the weight on the machine would give me anxiety. Argh!
@robertadico Along with asking for a tour, have a plan! There’s tons of online workout templates. Find one that uses machines, watch YouTube to know what their proper usage looks like, and then it’s just a matter of finding the machines in your gym.
@robertadico Some gyms will give you a free tour of the equipment, or a free session with a trainer. Also, if there are people who work there wandering around, it's part of their job to help you out and show you (if asked, of course).

I'd suggest telling the person at the desk that you're new and a bit confused about how to use some of the equipment. They'll steer you in the right direction. It's in their best interest to have clients not breaking the machines or themselves, so they should be happy to help.

Also, good for you! Sounds like a really big step. You're amazing.
@robertadico The machines usually have a label with their name and a diagram showing how to use it, but I tend to just look at the name and then search a YouTube video of someone explaining/demonstrating how to use it.
@robertadico I can DM you pictures of some of my favourite leg day machines along with a brief description if you like! I’m not an expert but have been going to the gym for a few years now.

Alternatively, you can check with your gym to see if they offer a free personal training session with your new membership. I used to work in a gym that offered this, and if the person signing up seemed new, I’d always advise them to let the personal trainer know that they’d like some demonstration on using the machines.
@robertadico Ive been going to the gym a long time, i used to power lift and now do hypertrophy, mostly with free weights and cables which im fairly competent with. Some of the machines still bamboozle me and i have to read them. Also everytime i switch gyms the machines are slightly different and have to figure them out and ask for help. Theres even several different brands of equipment in the gym i go to now, with multiples of the same machine so sometimes i get confused on how to adjust one machine opposed to the other. So i wouldn't worry about having to read them! You shouldn't be afraid to ask people also how to use and adjust them. Most people are usually pretty friendly and happy to help out someone who needs help and thats what the staff is there for also.