[FLUFF] ‘Wonder Woman’ recruited actual athletes, fighters as powerful Amazonians

@vivienita What creeps you out about lifting while pregnant? I took full advantage of all that extra blood volume and busted out a bunch of lifting PRs during second tri.
@shh I guess just fit pregnant women in general.

Irrational phobia really. The way the stomach protrudes and ab muscles around it.....looks like an alien fetus. Also when innies become outies.

It's stupid. I know.
@vivienita Yeah, I can see that. If it makes you feel better I definitely did not look like the super low body fat types you see posting preggo lifting pictures. I was lucky in that there were 5 of us at my gym pregnant at the same time, and only one of us looked like you're describing. The rest of us were all just a little more solid/bulky than usual =P

(oh and in a somewhat literal sense a baby is a parasite in your body sooooo)
@shh I guess average woman are more tolerable because they moreso look fat. My cousin made me feel her stomach when it got hard. WHY IS IT HARD.

But its cool. I'm not having kids.
@vivienita Isn't there a name for phobia of pregnant women? I feel like r/childfree throws that around a lot.

Would it be more reassuring to remember that the uterus is a muscle and it contracts/relaxes like any other muscle? Also, would it gross you out or be fascinating to hear that my midwife let me hold a full-size, full-weight rubber model of a 5-month uterus? Because that shit was HEAVY.
@shh There's tokophobia but I think it's mostly the fear of being pregnant oneself. Still, you can see a pregnant lady and imagine all sorts of horrors ( disclaimer, it isn't the preggo's fault but it's there)
@vivienita Supposedly she trained 6 hours a day! Saying that is one thing, but you could be doing dumb shit at the gym for 6 hours. Its kind of obvious she wasnt really doing any weight lifting at least of any significance. I guess thats fine if youre up for it. It just seems like a waste of 6 hours to not really get visibly stronger.

It just messes up that part of the story. The beginning shes training all day to be a warrior. How does that not result in visible strength?
@lake356 I read a lot of that training was also horse riding in addition to fight choreography. She said she found the horse riding more physically demanding than being in the army.
@lake356 I read at least 2 of those hours were fight choreography, which would tone rather that build visible muscle too. I don't know, I thought she looked really strong.