“A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

@foreverblessedsh If I could read this, I'd be very upset right now.

Thank goodness I can't read though, because back in 1876 my Harvard professor, Edward H. Clarke, helpfully explained that while I'm capable of being educated, it would run the risk of me infertile, disagreeable, and irritable. And I just don't want to be any of those unladylike things.
@jimjam Lmao no. You'll encounter guys who think with their nuts for the rest of your lifting career; ignore the idiots and focus on your progress.

There's actually decent evidence that women respond better, proportionately, to high-volume training than men do. (More science here.)

1RM calculators are generally scaled to the average dude, so you might be able to do five reps at a percent that the calculator says should only be viable for three. I personally don't bother adjusting for this; I've made perfectly good progress with standard, unedited lifting plans. Have fun with that Arnold split!

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