GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?


New member
I have seen this posted on a different sub, but mostly men answered. I was curious how fast everyone's progress has been?

Please include height and weight.
@andy1993 I'm 22, 65 kg, 1,73 m.
- Deadlift
I started at 50 kg I think and didn't see much progression, after 1 year I was stuck at 60 kg for 2 reps. Aftet 2 years tho I was doing maybe 70-80 kg for 5. Now after 3 years I lifted 120 kg one time.

I started with 12 kg dumbbell, went to maybe 40-50 kg after a year. After 2 years I was somewhere in 70 kg. After 3 years I did 100 kg once.

It was pretty rough, my legs are stronger than arms and it was really hard to progress, later I had my shoulder injury so I did most 30 kg x 5. But after a year I maybe did 22,5-25 kg x 5.

Shoulder press
Was pretty much the same, was stuck on 17,5 kg but after 3 years (with long break because of my shoulder) I am doing 22,5 x 6-7.

Barbell rows
I think I did something like 27,5 kg for 5 after a year, I then took a break because of my shoulder and only worked with machines, now after 3 years I am doing 45 kg for 5.
@andy1993 3 months: bench 60lbs, squat 70lbs, ohp 50lbs, deadlift 135lbs.

6 months: bench 90lbs, squat: 100, ohp, 55lbs, deadlift 150lbs.

1 yr: bench 100lbs, squat: still 100 :(, ohp: 60lbs, deadlift: 165lbs.

I have no idea why but my squat has ALWAYS been my hardest lift followed by deadlifts. I injured my back deadlifting so now I just do high rep/low weight deadlifts bc I'm afraid of hurting it again. For squats, I have no idea why they're so low. Since doing those and hip thrusts I've put on 2 inches on my ass so who knows. Bench is my strongest lift and I could definitely go over 100 but would have to buy new clothes lol. Oh and I'm 135lbs and 5'5"
@andy1993 5'10 155lbs

I started going to the gym about 3 years ago but the first year I wasn't really doing anything substantial. I mainly was improving my overall fitness.

Started lifting properly about 2 years ago...

(note: these are 3x5 not 1RM)

Squats: bodyweight to 55kg (121lbs)
Bench: unable to lift the bar to 32.5kg (72lbs)

Deadlifts: 20kg (44lbs) kettle bell to 65kg barbell (143lbs)

The weights aren't impressive compared to a lot of the others in here, which is exactly why I posted them. Not everyone makes progress at the same speed and that's ok :) Plus we don't all start at the same strength, for my weight I started out pretty weak.

I managed to do this while maintaining or cutting which is probably why the progress hasn't been fast. But I am happy with how much I've improved and how I look physically.
That’s amazing. I have come from a disordered eating background also and you’ve found success without counting macros or cutting/bulking? The only way recovery works for me is practicing intuitive eating but I read about how necessary it is to track macros and be precise all the time.
@andy1993 It’s hard to say for me, honestly. I started doing some stuff mostly with dumbbells about a year before I started doing the major lifts consistently with barbells. 3 months into CF? Looking back on Instagram, I probably had about a 130 bench, 140ish squat and 175-200lb is deadlift at 5 ft tall, 115ish lbs. I don’t have much recorded to benchmark at 6 months. A year in I got a 145 bench, 275 deadlift and 185-190 squat (I only have a vid of the 90% week for that lift). By 2 years in I could squat around 225, deadlift 300-305, and my bench hadn’t really budged because a shoulder injury took me out for 6 months between year one and two, and I had to rebuild bench entirely (I also couldn’t hold/rack a bar for squat or DL during some of that time). I’ve now switched from CF to powerlifting (summer-fall of 2017), but had an issue with my other shoulder take me out of the game for 4/5 months, and I am still rebuilding bench. Best meet bench is 149ish, best meet squat is 248ish, best meet DL is 341ish. My last meet I weighed in around 111 lbs, and I walk around at 114-118, so the same as when I started. I am hopefully still 5 ft tall.
@andy1993 On day one at a body weight of 140lbs I squatted 60lbs once (badly), benched the bar (45lbs) and deadlifted 110lbs. It's so funny to look back on videos of my first ever lifts.

Three months in I was probably squatting 80lbs (still badly), benching 60 and pulling ~150. Six months was about the same...I spent more time worrying about losing weight than actually getting strong which was my biggest downfall.

My first meet was a year in and I weighed in at 125lbs. I squatted 200, benched 138 and deadlifted 280 I think. I've been lifting for about two and a half years now and compete at 138lbs (right about where I started) but I squat 286, bench 180, and pull 358.

The thing that truly changed lifting for me was EATING. I struggled with disordered eating before I started to lift and that didn't truly go away for years. I was counting macros and timing my carbs to "fuel my training" but all it did was allow the disordered part of me to maintain control. Letting go of weight classes and eating intuitively have made me a better lifter than meticulously tracking ever did.
@andy1993 5'8" 145-150ish lbs. I've always kind of dicked around with fitness and lifting weights, but these numbers are once I started to learn proper form and began committing to programs.

3 months (I don't have my notebook with me right now, so we'll call all these numbers 1-3 reps)
  • Squat: 65lb, horrible form just starting to incorporate the barbell, lots of goblet squats and mobility work
  • Bench: 65lb
  • Deadlift: 135lb, it took me lots of rack pulls with tiny plates to get there
9 months
  • Squat: 135lb
  • Bench: 85lb
  • Deadlift: 185lb
1 year, first powerlifting meet
  • Squat: 75kg/165lb
  • Bench: 50kg/110lb
  • Deadlift: 92.5kg/203lb
Right now I am working on building up more strength and I plan to compete again next spring. Remember ladies, your progress is your own! It will take time but it is incredibly worth it.
@andy1993 I'm 5.7, and currently around 128 lbs. Started lifting in April for the first time ever, and I did my fair share of ducking around until I stuck with a structured programme (first whole-body, now a modified PHUL). So I don't have much numbers to share, but still, here we go:

May - bench 22 lbs (dumbbells) for 8 reps, squat just as well, no deadlifts.

August (3 mo) - bench 38.5 * 10, squat 44 * 15, deadlift 60 * 15 (no racks = high volume)

Latest, november (6 mo) - bench 65*6, squat 95*12, deadlift 120*10, 1 arm dumbbell row - 44 lb*5

My estimated 1RM (from Strengthlevel) are:
  • bench - 75.5 lbs
  • deadlift - 160 lbs
  • squat - 135 lbs
  • OHP - 51 lb
  • 1 arm dumbbell row - 49.6 lb (yeah this one goes great)
@andy1993 24F/160cm/~56kg.

Weight: 53-54kg
Deadlift: 70kg 1RM
Squat: 25kg 1RM

6 months:
Weight: 57-59kg
Deadlift: 95kg 8RM
Squat: 70kg 8RM
Bench: 35kg 9RM

1 year:
Weight: 58-60kg
Deadlift: 115kg 1RM
Squat: 95kg 1RM
Bench: 47.5kg 1RM

2 years:
Weight: 55-56kg
Deadlift: 137.5kg 1RM
Squat: 115kg 1RM
Bench: 53kg 1RM
@andy1993 Starting: BW 130, 5'8". Squat: 65, Bench: 45, DL: 95.

Almost 9 months in: BW 145. Squat: 155 for 5x5 rep scheme, DL 225 for 1x3 rep scheme, bench 85 (I don't bench as much)
@andy1993 I’ve only been lifting three months, but I’m really proud of my progress so I’m gonna share anyways.

I started at 120ish pounds at 5’6, squatting just the bar (45lbs) for 3 x 10. I was deadlifting the same, and over head pressing 15lbs. I could have definitely been lifting more, but I was just getting started and thought it would be good to take it easy.

3 months later, I am squatting 145 for 3 x 5, deadlifting 135, and over head pressing 45. I’m now at 130 pounds.

It definitely helped that I was gaining weight and my only exercise was lifting 2-3 times weekly. I’m recovering from an eating disorder, and lifting makes me feel awesome!
@andy1993 5'7" 145lbs! Lifting for about 2 years! I don't rememember my lifts from the 3 month, 6 month or year mark, sorry! All in lbs :(

Bench: 115x4

Squat: 205x4

Deadlift: 225x4

OHP: 85x4
@andy1993 I'm 5' 7 and 175lb but when I started nearly two years ago I was 240lb.

When I started I could squat no more than 40kg and deadlift 50kg. Six months in they were both around 70kg.

A year in I managed to get 90kg squat and 100kg deadlift.

I'm 23 months in now and at 105kg for my squat and 112.5kg for my deadlift. Hoping for 110kg and 120kg respectively by Christmas so currently on a multi set program before I try and max out nearer Christmas.

I'm hoping to start benching in the new year as I struggled with 40kg but I'd really like to consider a powerlifting contest next year!
@andy1993 I wish I could remember all of the bench mark points.

I’m 5’4” 142lb ~20%BF.

Over the course of 4 years my weight has fluctuated greatly due to having competed in a couple of weight classed sports. I’ve gone from 145 to 128 to 150 back to 142.


Squat 80lb to 205lb

Bench 45lb to 135lb

Deadlift 135lb to 285lb

Clean 75lb to 140lb

Split jerk 55lb to 155lb

Snatch 35lb to 90lb
@andy1993 Height 5”4 was 107 when I started lifting (at the height of an ED)

3 months in I think 75lb3x8 deadlift, 50lb 3x10 squat and I’ve never benched. Still 5”4 and up to 115ish

6 months in I think I was around 135 but that was like my max, squat up to 95 3x10 and I started front squatting around this time and I think that was around 50 3x8. Up to 125 by this time.

1 year in I was deadlifting 170ish 3x5, squatting 115 3x5 and front squatting 90 3x5. 130 weight give or take depending on the day

As of right now I’m about a year and a half in and I’m currently deadlifting 205 3x3 squatting 135 3x5 and front squatting 95 5x5. I still weight around 130
@andy1993 I haven’t been lifting for 2 years yet. And I haven’t been consistent so my progress regressed at times.

I’m 5’4’’ and starting weight 103 lbs. I was 110 lbs after a year.

Starting off I was untrained in any kind of strength sport and these were my numbers when just learning technique

Squat 65 x 5

Deadlift 90 x 5

Bench 65 x 1

After 3 months:

1rms squat/bench/dead


After 6 months:


After a year:

@andy1993 Height 5' 4" starting weight around 135, also currently around 132. Fluctuated up to 145, but then I had surgery over the summer and dropped a lot of weight in the recovery process. Not at the 2 year mark yet!

Previous athletic background was starting to jog and doing kickboxing for a little less than a year prior.

Starting mar 2017

Squat - repping 75 lbs? Maybe my max was 95ish

Bench - around 75 lbs

Deadlift - around 155 lbs

6 months nov 2017 weight 141

Squat 165 lb

Bench 105 lb

Deadlift 265 lb

1 year mar 2018 weight 145 I didnt formally test some

Squat - was typically doing 155 for 5

Bench - wasnt benching had costochondritis but i had gotten up to 110 around june after starting to bench in march

Deadlift - 275ish

1.5 years nov 2018 current weight 132

Squat current best is 5 at 165

Bench 145 lb

Deadlift 2 rm 285

My progress definitely slowed for various reasons! Weight dropped, had hernia repair surgery, started bjj, and developed costochondtritis... things went up and down. Im hoping to get my squat up since i just learned how to low bar and it makes so much more sense!