Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

@markvs Yes, you tell the manager. I think you should assume that you're not the only person he's done this to - and if you are, that he'll do it again if you turn him down. Don't think of this as an act just to make you comfortable, but one to make all the women who go there comfortable.
@markvs Man I'm sorry this happened to you. If he's being inappropriate, report him. If he's just being polite thinking you're interested, shoot him down and tell him you're not interested. This is why I was so against going to the gym before, for fear of being hit on by other members or staff, or just getting harassed in general. I got over my fear of gym finally but I still stick to the women's gym area.
@markvs I had this happen when I signed up for a new gym about 6 years ago. It came with a free personal training session and the trainer kept texting me and it started off innocent asking me about my body goals. Then he kept pushing. He had a girlfriend... I just stopped replying and would ignore him. Not long before I just never saw him there again. I should have said something to the management, though.
@markvs When I was 17 a gym employee hit on me, gave me a hug, and kissed my neck. He was well into his 30s. My dad was on the warpath with the owner and all the guy got was a slap on the wrist. Safe to say I never went back there. I’ve struggled with working out at a gym ever since. At-home workouts ftw.
@markvs I would NOT tell the manager. He tried (and that’s no crime) and he failed. Just ignore him or if he make contact again tell him you are not interested. But if he persists, of course, then you should tell the manager.
@windyt Oy vey. Op was intimidated. An employee cornering a customer and making feel uneasy by asking irrelevant questions and asking for her number is definitely sexual harassment .
@markvs He was absolutely being creepy!!! If a guy makes you feel uncomfortable and cornered he is a creep. There is no way about it.

You also don't have to be nice!! women need to stop trying to protect the egos of men when they put us in uncomfortable situations.
You pay to go to this gym and you should be able to go without being harrassed by men 10 years older then you. You could literally just tell the truth that he made you feel uncomfortable.

I hate this guy...
@ninzae We smile and play nice when men make us feel uncomfortable for our own safety of course. But I feel like what we are doing is making them feel good even when we don't want to for our protection.