Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

@royblizzard I am a guy, and my last 3 serious relationships have been with competitive female bodybuilders who compete in womens physique division. One is an ifbb pro, and the other two are at the national npc level.
I am currently single and would definalty consider dating a crossfit chick. Find a man who will support and encourage you to be as muscular as you want.
@royblizzard I am 54 and started CF at 53. Best. Shape. Of. My. Life. That’s when i met my person, my soulmate. I am 5’3, 117 and it leaned me out and changed my body like nothing else. Been a competitive runner my whole life…until i couldn’t. Best thing for my psyche and bod. I was afraid I’d get too muscular…my 26 and 30yo daughters said i was in better shape than them and had legs to die for…tone down your weight your lifting if you don’t want to be so muscular. I told my coaches i didn’t want to get big.
@royblizzard Male perspective, it's just a male ego thing. It might be ingrained from whoever taught them females shouldn't be built. Best way I can describe that, is how "blue is for boys, pink is for girls" but if I wear a pink shirt and some dude is like haaaaaa pink! Well, I just stare at them and see through their fragile ego

I absolutely hate the cliché saying "you're looking for boys you need a man" but really they need maturity.

Also, you only said they seem intimidated, but do they stop talking to you because of it? Also, what kind of dates are these?

If you've got something to offer and an intriguing personality, all will fall into place.
@royblizzard Well now I want to see these forearms.. Sounds like you need to tone down the agression, it might send the wrong message or intimidate people. Nothing wrong with getting help for possible PTSD from your military experience.