Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

@royblizzard Dating is hard no matter what you do. At the same time I’d like to believe taking care of yourself and being in good physical shape should be making you more attractive.

I believe the key is as much in your expectations as in theirs.

As single point statistic: I’m a male who does CrossFit and I am certainly more drawn to a woman who is in shape, but does not have the expectation that I’m going to out lift her. I’m not an RXer. There is so much to keep me busy, that I am happy to be in good form, vs pro form, but staying in shape is near the top of the list
@royblizzard Look at your goals, your dreams, and your lifestyle. Not at men.

As you're focused on your goals, should a guy happen to be walking in the same direction, see if he wants to join you.

The difficulty in this approach is the release of control over your dating life in favor of what feels like a "maybe" approach - but ultimately, do not settle for anything less than an actual partner beside you.
@royblizzard Before CrossFit you were in your 20’s. It’s normal for dating to become more difficult as you get older.

I’m sure there are some that are turned off by the rumors of CrossFit obsession etc maybe just let them know you work out and not specify crossfit.