How is it possible for a red-blooded human being to hold a plank for 8 HOURS?? Please enlighten me..

@werby 18 year old girl I worked with did a 3 minute plank for a dare. She did water polo and was fit but I wouldn't categorize her as one of the fittest athletes. It's pretty easy to do them for 5+ minutes long as you keep training it and don't have any injuries or body imbalances. Not that I wasn't impressed, she also apparently has mild scoliosis and held it in a way that I find extremely painful myself.
@anatovar5037 For sure, she just did it with this harsh dip in her lower back that causes would cause me really intense lower back pain after like a minute, I'm guessing that was just her natural state.
@abigailhope We did 5 minutes in navy pt regularly in the group training for dive school. If you're already in good shape and have a strong core, 5 minutes isn't something you need to specifically train for, but I think anything significantly longer than that you definitely would.
@sleeeeepy Lol yep they usually don’t even bother with it in a lot of groups unless they’re just using it as punishment. I think deadlifting would be an easy way to progress given the emphasis on a strong hollow body.
@dawn16 Yeah OP is wildly off there. When I was a college runner I would do an intense post-practice abs workout and then do a 5 minute plank.

Was I in ridiculous shape? Yeah. Was I elite? No, man, I was a pretty good DIII dude who did too much ab work and not enough physical therapy.
@timevans Well, at my gym there's a dude who held a plank for 10 minutes. I wouldn't have believed if I wasn't there. I asked him what was his secret, he said he thinks he's saving his family from one side of a bridge to the other and if he stops they're gonna die. It worked for him 😂
@dawn16 Let’s say reasonably fit people who regularly do abdominal/core muscle training and have a normal body weight.

Of course with planks the form and muscle engagement makes a huge difference.