How to approach a gym crush


New member
I have a major crush on this lady at the gym but out of my 20 years of experience, I know it’s awful to approach someone like that at the gym. How can I do this respectfully? :(
@wrestlos People who say “you don’t” are both right and wrong

What you DON’T do, is go up to them out of nowhere and ask them out

What you DO is simply acknowledge them with a “hi” or head nod etc, if they are someone you run into a lot

At some point that might turn into more of conversation

It’s ok to make friends at the gym - people out here in 2024 have zero idea how to make friends

I see the same people at the same gym at the same time daily, everyone says hi. Sometimes one will compliment a shirt, need a spot or something, that turns into more talking - boom, new friend.

Going in with that intent and no expectations is ok

And if they give you the hint not to even say hi, or that they are interested in a conversation, just move on
@jesusiseverything2me Yeah I see the same handful of people at the gym all the time. Eventually I literally just walked up to them as I was about to leave the gym and was like “hey I see you here all the time, what’s your name?” And then we exchange names and then I’m just like “okay cool nice to meet you! See you around next time!” And now I have lots of gym friends!
@jesusiseverything2me Yeah I sometimes start to greet other regulars or they start to greet me, and that usually turns into "how are you?" (where I live that is actually a question and means you get a real answer haha) and "my name is ... by the way" etc
@wrestlos My parents owned a gym for 40 years and said sooo many relationships started at the gym! Even theirs! I think it's less common now with everyone using headphones and generally don't want to disturb others. I think you just have to slowly get from just saying hi and smiling to striking up very casual light conversations. Eventually you can feel out how theyre responding and maybe ask them to grab a coffee if its feeling good!