I told a guy no on working in

@inez1 Honestly, I had no idea it was one. This thread somehow got catapulted to my homepage - never even been to the subreddit before. I thought the topic title was interesting and clicked on it. Not that I even responded to OP (nevermind scold).

To a certain extent, I think it's reddit's algorithm to blame.
@johntf While gym etiquette asks to share a machine when possible.
It's not mandatory.

One uses the machine as sees fit within reason and doesn't have to compromise comfort for someone else sake.

10min is a bit long but not unheard of for some machines, depending on goals and levels.
He could move on to another exercise and ask you to have the machine in priority after youre done so no one else get it.

Take a deep breath. If you see him again, explain to him that you just were not confortable to share a machine with someone else and carry one with your day.
@johntf I think personally I would have asked how many total sets he plans to do on the machine and if it was reasonable (3-4) i would have done the one set you had left to do, let him do his with the caveat that you get the machine back to do your final three. Hogging machines isn't cool, and your programme should be varied enough that you can fill the space with 3 sets of something else. All it required was a little bit of reasoning and conversation, which you seem to not have been bothered to do.
@cyncincyn If it doesn't make sense to work in with someone because you are on very short breaks, you don't have to work in with someone. Why should OP have to leave the machine she is actively using instead of this guy going to do another exercise and come back when OP is done?
@blackprophet I doubt she’s doing very short breaks if she’s on the machine 10 minutes. Even if she’s waiting 30-45 between sets that’s a short enough time for the guy to reposition, adjust weights and do a set while she’s resting. It’s just general etiquette like you holding the door open for the next person… no one says you have to but it’s generally the ‘nice’ thing to do
@kjcm 4 sets for two different exercises in 10 minutes or less is short breaks. And no, 30 seconds is not enough for someone to reset the machine, use it for a set, and wipe it off.

I wouldn't hold a door for someone if I have to wait a while for them to get there or if my hands are full with something. Same thing at the gym, if it is inconvenient to work in, there should be no pressure to work in. The onus is on the other person to wait or do something else.
@johntf Who owns the gym? You? Him? No. Its not your gym but also it everyones (members). Not sharing isn't cool, having a strop isn't cool, not putting your weights away isn't cool, not being polite isn't cool, hogging equipment (esp. During peak hours) isn't cool.
If everyone behaves, a gym can be a nice place....
@johntf I hate the idea of working in- what so I have to feel rushed in my rest times, if it’s a bench do I have to wipe it down each time so I don’t get their sweat on me? I wait all the time for people to be done. Working in doesn’t seem to be a thing in my gym at all people just wait, I’ve never seen it- only heard about it on Reddit.
@johntf I think this one is gonna be divisive because we all go to different gyms with different rules, vibes and capacities.

IMO there's nothing wrong with asking someone to work in. And there's nothing wrong with saying no. (As long as you're not using the machine for a very long time!)

The issue here is the guy got mad at you. That is not ok. At all. I'm sorry that happened to you!
@johntf He defo overreacted, but I do think that you need to let people work in at the gym. Sharing is part of good gym etiquette. I ask to work in all the time and people work in with me all the time.
@winepress777 In 20 years of going to the gym I have literally never once observed someone declining to let someone work in.

I don't even sit on the machine in between sets - like many others I just stand next to it to signal that others can work in with me.

No you are not legally obligated to let someone work in with you. It's just courtesy in a shared space with limited equipment.
@johntf Honestly 4 sets is a long time to tell someone to wait - usually people decline working in because they're nearly finished, or because reloading plates or smth might take a while (which doesn't apply to cable machines). Ofc you're not obligated to work in with anyone, but I think it would have been the polite thing to do.
@shanrose Fuck “politeness.” This dude was entitled af and tried to intimidate her when she had the nerve to say no. He could’ve done other exercises instead during the 5-10 minutes she had left. Why is politeness expected of her but not him?