People told me l’m doing junk volume. I’ve never seen such fast gains though

@faetalesprincess Its pretty unclear what your "before" structure was. Are you saying you did 3 sets each of 3 different exercises for 1 muscke group and repeated that for another group? So 18 sets per session? And what do you define as a muscle group? Is "back" a whole muscle group in your mind or are lats, upper back etc considered separately? The 36 sets of biceps are absolutely junk volume but it's pretty possible that you are currently able to recover from all the damage you're causing your biceps the 1x per week you train them and still make adoptions but were severely undertraining them in your old program. Also possible that you trained them too frequently before and now they atleast have a week of recovery. But if you did half as much you'd probably see better results. Sounds like you went from 1 extreme to the other, just be wary that you probably won't do well with this approach for more than a couple months
@faetalesprincess I mean , some of them were like warm ups , the last few sets were to failure right? Some "muscle mind connection easy sets"

I can imagine that , but damn is it not boring to do so many not near failure sets everytime ? Going to an extreme when it could be done with fewer sets and being in wider rpe/rir range instead of rpe 2-10

Could be you get sick pump and feel way bigger than you were before because you are pumped alot. + carbs + water and bulk.

If it works for some time why not , trying things out for an experience , but after year you will think about it and be like nah , it worked good but not that great as it felt at that particular time. I could do xyz and maybe got better results in that bulk!
I mean , some of them were like warm ups , the last few sets were to failure right? Some "muscle mind connection easy sets"

Yeah I find that its nice to warm-up with a good easy mind-muscle connection set sometimes. At least as a novice. Even for isos. Just don't go overboard.

If I don't feel like I'm getting a good tricep burn with 15kg one-arm tricep rope extensions (possibly because my form might be off at that weight), I'll set it back down to 5kg to see if I can get a good mind-muscle connection before trying with 12.5kg. That kind of thing. I still have tricep DOMS from Monday so it worked. I did 3 working sets (30 lbs, 27.5 lbs, 25 lbs) to failure and 3 warm-up sets (not to failure). Those 3 warm-up sets weren't really necessary. That's just practice. It's good for novices to practice. The problem is these commercial gyms get busy and people get annoyed when you're doing lots of sets on the machines or on a bench. lmfao. Even when I go at off-peak hours, the gym is busier than you'd think.

When you're going heavy on a movement, the range of motion can be sus. So sometimes it's good to go light as a reminder of what the range of motion is supposed to look like and what the mind-muscle connection is supposed to feel like. When I was doing standing calf raises yesterday, my range of motion for 70kg was trash. But when I dropset to 60kg, the range of motion was much better. And the calf burn was much better. I have calf DOMS from yesterday. Was it the 70kg with poor range of motion or the 60kg calf raises with great range of motion that gave me DOMS? Probably 60kg with way better range of motion. It's all about tension. Not about weight.
@asperd I kind of like combination of all not just all in tut+failure mindset but numbers in log and going back to it has its magic so I can see what really happened after months in wide ranges. Many people trained many ways so everything can work if you progress. For example a year and half ago when I saw natural gallant and his training I was like what the hell is he doing , how , pds? damn that doesn't suit it with that type of contents and a guy older age not looking ridiculously lean and pushing bs products, listened few times compared info and well , everything can work , biggest outlier I ever saw with rom + rep ranges but it just makes a sense , still like full ROM and being in middle for everything most of the time than trying too extreme changes

Going heavy on cable extension and extreme cheating gave me gains and elbow pain. Easy fix was going pushdowns first and strict "light" 12-16 rep range extensions after. Also twice a week like 12-16 sets for tris in arm day... could work waay better if I wasn't so greedy for progression , but if going to 20 sets with a bit more reserve in first sets or all out like I did would make a big difference, I don't think so , as opposed to 6-8 sets per week , that without a doubt would be a way worse for me.

So many times I read about going 6-8 range as a part of training for "easier"progression with bis/tris isos and it made a sense but I did it wrong for too long. Consequences, but doing it the other way "4x pump higher range rir 0-4" first then progress heavy focus 2-3x6-8 can work

I'm going to try and see after few months if it was worth it for me (homegym + old pulley system hybrid for almost everything increments in 5kg make progression a bit pain in the ass mostly for isos) going always strictly and lighter gets boring after few months.

Can't even imagine doing 36 sets of bis as op with that high reserve as a fun for a longer period of time. And what a mess it would be in my logbook to compare my last few months with crazy 20x12,12,12,12,12,12,11 etc.
@faetalesprincess The elephant in the room is the question about your intensity...
yes if you never trained with any meaningful intesity, never reached true momentary muscular failure (and no failure is NOT just a burning sensation or you thinking that this was really hard, it is when you physically are incapable of further moving the weight to complete the repetition, you try but it just won't!) then and only then: yes an increase to such ridiculously high volumes might simply compensate for the lack of intensity. In all likelyhood that is what OP is experiencing...