I want to strict press 32kg


New member
For context I have a 20kg bell and a 32kg bell.Dont want to buy anymore bells in between.
Has anyone managed to go straight from 20kg to 32kg for strict pressing?
How long did it take?
How much volume were you doing in the 20s?
Thanks in advance
@rabbie77 Just made that jump recently, feels like I did when I made the 20 to 24 jump, it was hard lol. Even that 4kg bump takes a while to get used to, I can't possibly imagine a 12kg jump.
@rabbie77 Jump from 20 to 24 killed my snatches. Honestly thought someone was pranking me and snuck a 24kg label on like a 32. I imagine the 24 to 28 is worse 😂
@manasah57 True. But nothing comes close to the difference in 5 or more min of snatches from 28 to 32. . Well maybe 40 but I've only done up to 2 min of those hahah.
@rabbie77 Bro don’t get me started on 28 to 32! Did that jump for my jerks not long ago and again, legit stopped my set to see if I grabbed the right bell I was like there’s no way in hell this is only 4 kilos difference 😂
@rabbie77 I had my left RC done last year, and pressing has actually helped with the later recovery. I ain’t trying to do more than 20kg, though.
@hcwewvcw02 Drill out the bottom and make it lighter? Or add some weight steps on your 20 to bump it up to at least 24. I personally think like others here its not possible without injury or using other weights.
@hcwewvcw02 Pushups to pike pushups to handstand pushups.

It is a pretty large jump. 2 arm swings, 1 arm swings, get your body used to it. Push Press and Jerks help.

Ladders of 2 3 5 10 with the 20 helps. Be patient.