"If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

@zondaar39 There are different kinds of planks too. I don't see much value in holding a standard plank for a minute or more, so I focus on more difficult variations like RKC planks.
@zondaar39 When i studied sports we would test different metrics for a study quite often. this involved wall sits, pushups and planks.
afair the average time was about 3,5 minutes while some people were able to hold a plank for 15 minutes.
That said, simple planks become rather pointless really quickly. It is far better to use variatons and circle through them and to use different exercises to get stronger.
@zondaar39 i can do one arm pull up easily, i can also hold a 3 sec straddle planche, but i cant really hold plank for over 2 mins...
it is about the mindset i think, i think it is pointless to train plank...
@zondaar39 I'm a woman who started this journey at 280 lbs. I could hold a plank for 2 sets of 120s by the time I reached 185 lbs. I am now 160 lbs and can hold a plank for 180s if I try really hard. lol. So a not true. b I don't think it comes down to strength alone. C I think is the huge factor. The more stable, and precise your position the more likely you'll be able to stay up longer.
@runatem Every coach has his/her unique methods and training philosophies. As long as their students are performing well in their sports and are not getting injured, no one should have any problem.
P.S. I am not his fan. I don't even know who he is.

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