IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub

@coma123 I was about to say the same thing, been here a few weeks and can probably count on one hand how many posts seem relevant.

Majority of the posts just seem like questions that could basically create a "beginner home workouts" sub.
@marvin54 I used be to quite active in this sub, but, as you note, the quality and relevance of posts have been terrible and I've stopped frequenting this sub.

Most of the posts are clustered within the same themes: diet related (filled with comments giving misinformation or harmful information); they haven't read or even attempted to read any of the wiki information; are not at all related to bodyweight/calisthenics/gymnastics training; or, or general lifestyle related posts.

The content of these themes above are not entirely out of discussion in this sub, but they certainly shouldn't be the primary posts. If you're talking about a training program, and you have ancillary questions around macros, balancing training against your physical job, or have questions about programs you read on the wiki, that's more than welcome. But posts that are just talking about diet (mostly disordered eating and anxieties thereof), for example, aren't meant to be here.
@marvin54 My pleasure. It's been on a decline since COVID started, though I didn't mind the first half year or so when there were consistent relevant (albeit beginner) posts, challenges, and the daily thread was used effectively to filter repeat questions.
@luckswallows Honestly. If I go to your sub right, and it has a big in your face pinned comment about "all new/dumb people look in here first!"

And it's formatted horribly with varying font sizes and boldness and mixed in is a ton of blue hyperlinks that lead down further rabbit holes and more links and outdated articles/posts/threads, just to see if the similar question I have was responded to (not answered) 7 years ago, I'm just going to either ignore your sub, or post the damn question again.
@beastnate123 I agree with your sentiment and what Steven noted about reporting inappropriate content. Practically, on the individual level, it can be wuite cumbersome since it doesn't deter new users from posting, only those who have posted and been made aware through yours and Steven's strategy.