Is it possible to reduce the gap in my chest, or is it just due to poor genetics?

@imalive Can’t change your insertions, but you can just work on making everything bigger which mightttttt fill in the gap a bit. End of the day we each have to embrace the asymmetries, oddities, and unique aspects of our own physique - you look great and can only continue to improve if you keep putting in the time.
@imalive I wouldn't call it poor genetics, you're looking good overall my man. You're still looking better than a good 95% of the population
@jamesms But that’s what poor genetics IS. no matter how muscular/vascular/lean you get….those “poor” genetics are to blame for shit that literally can not ever change/be fixed.
@benmoabi For a normal person yes, for bodybuilding that's poor genetics. Doesn't mean your genetics are in total bad for bodybuilding. Just that specific part that dictates where your chest muscles attach to your breast bone was a bit unlucky.

Perfect is boring, I'm sure you can compensate it with something else!
@benmoabi Wait cmon now. You can’t tell me if someone is super shredded and veiny and looks huge, that if their insertions were considered horrible and awkward looking….people wouldn’t say he was cursed with shit genetics.
@imalive We all want what we can't have... i want big quads and hammies... im just not built that way... but i got massive fuckin defined calves... and idgaf about calves.... in fact i always wear long pants.... youre killin it... and remember, as some tiktok chick said "comparison is the thief of joy"
@imalive Genetics are what they are. Keep killing it. You have a prominent sternum but be proud of your physique and the work put into it.
@imalive I hope you don't worry about this too much cos trust me, no woman (or man) is gonna give a fuck about that when the rest of your body looks like that. You look great. It's definitely one of those things that you notice way more than others