Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

@jesusisking1 Its way more noticeable simply from a surface area perspective!

For example, if you wrap a hundred rubber bands around a golf ball, and a hundred around a basket ball, the golf ball will look a lot bigger compared to its original size, compared to a basket ball.

Ten extra pounds on a petite person look vastly different on a tall person because we have less mass / area for the fat to go around.
@jesusisking1 I'm only half an inch taller than you and the difference between 128 lbs and 120 lbs for me is a size 4 vs a size 2 in US clothing. It's definitely noticeable. In addition, I've been 120 lbs and 25% bfp, and also 120 lbs at 20% bfp, which is what really made the difference for my stomach --- so at a certain point, body composition also makes a difference. I had to lean in on strength training to really reduce my bfp.
@jesusisking1 I would say yes and no. What's noticeable on any body, is fit vs unfit.

Someone who lifts and works out regularly, and weighs 125 vs the one who doesn't watch their diet or exercise and also weighs 125, look totally different.

How much you weigh isn't going to determine how you look, it's about how you shape that weight with excercise.
@deogracias I agree with you, but I’ll add, weight gain can look a bit different based on height as well.

I am 4’11, maybe 5’ and about 115 lbs, I notice 5 pounds on me super quickly. But my taller or larger cohorts tend to not notice weight gain until it’s closer to 15 pounds more.

So it can also be a height thing!
@16bit Well absolutely, being that this is a petite subreddit.
I was more so talking in the context of just weight in general. Height for sure is a factor, I'm 5'3" and feel my best around 120-130 , but I look totally different t at those weights depending on if I am fit or not.
@deogracias Emphasis on this! I’m 4’11” and stick around the mid 120s which is on the “higher” side of the spectrum but strength training has transformed my physique. A lot of times people are undermuscled and working on that would provide the results we’re looking for.
@jesusisking1 I feel that yes it’s true. I’m around 118 and want to get down to 110. The bit of weight I have gained from my bulk (initially 110 but went up to 120 first half of this year) is super noticeable. I mean yes, my ass and legs look phenomenal. I love the progress and adore how my training is shown off. BUT, now my tummy sticks out more and I feel more insecure about myself vs before
@jesusisking1 Yes 100% if I put on or lose 4-5 lbs there’s a difference. People think I’ve lost more but in reality the fat’s sitting on a short, smaller frame.
When I lost about 12-15 lbs people thought I lost 30-40lbs when they saw me.
@jesusisking1 I have found this to be true, for me.

I am 5’4” and although I have weighed the approximately the same for years, I can no longer seem to lose any of it due to aging. I feel chubby as heck, even though I know I am more fit than many due to walking, sporadic lifting and generally being an active type of person. I currently weigh approx 126 + 2-3 lbs when I get PMS bloat.

Aside from not feeling good about myself, I can’t talk about it because if I told anyone that I am “fat” or “out of shape” but weigh 126 lbs, they would think I have an eating disorder. (I love food and this is not true at all.)

The last time I went down to 123 I swear I could see a difference. If I could go down to 120 I would probably look like a different person. But I’m not sure that is possible due to my current work schedule and resulting lack of energy. So I’m not watching the scale- I’m watching how I feel and using feeling better or feeling good as my goal and guide for exercise. Also I’m learning to run and am using time and distance goals to measure improvement.
@jesusisking1 Yes, completely. When I am overweight already and gain 10/15 lbs I look completely obese with triple chins and moon face and everything. Losing 10/15 lbs I go back to looking like a regular person with 20 lbs to lose to be within normal range. I am 5’ 2”

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