is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

@peaceprevails26 I'm 5'4" /163cm and do not carry weight well at all, I'm a balloon at 140lb/63kg. I never go over over 54kg, currently trying to lose some fat/ gain more muscle. I'm best at 50-52kg (with muscle).
@peaceprevails26 5’2 and struggle SO hard to healthily maintain anything below 130. And even 130 is VERY strict food/calorie wise, even with running and home dumbbell workouts!
My body and habits are so much healthier in the 140’s & even 150’s but that’s neglecting the exercise lol. It’s weird to accept that according to charts I should be in the 120’s or even lower, but knowing there’s no way I could ever get there and maintain it 🤷🏻‍♀️
@peaceprevails26 This post is timely for me. I’ve been thinking about my end goal. I’m currently cutting my fat. I am 5’3” and 145. It’s been a while since I’ve been at 130 but I remember feeling good at 125-130. I’ve reevaluated my goals now that I’m older. I want to have good amount of muscle and curve. So my best guess is to weigh around 130-135 with a focus on building muscle and strength. I also have to factor in lifestyle and sustainability so 130-135 seems about right. I hope I can look at my body objectively when I get to that point rather than pick it apart (which I have done in the past).
@peaceprevails26 I'm 5'4" and 136 pounds. I would like to lose some but I have to admit, I wear my weight well. I've got boobs and a butt and a defined waist. Just a little more belly and upper arms/legs than I'd like, but people aren't looking at that when they see curves. I'm a healthy BMI tho in the upper range. I think we focus waaaaay too much on being skinny as the only way to look good. But I'm a victim to that way of thinking too, what can I say!
@peaceprevails26 As a 140ish lb girly - this is the post I didn’t know I needed. Thank you for putting this out there!

Edit: I would have way less of a butt and curves in general if I was under. It took years to gain this muscle weight in order to acquire the booty.
@peaceprevails26 i’m 5’1 currently 138-140lbs and i feel pretty good! Lots of energy for working out and feeling strong most days! my gw is 120lbs but i feel great for the time being :)
@peaceprevails26 ✋🏾 I don’t want to be thin. I’m also Black, though, so there’s a cultural element pertaining to what’s desirable/attractive in body type. I want to stay voluptuous; anything lower than 135 would be too light for me.
@weeoz After having lived in a Black neighborhood for almost ten years now, I have accepted a level of thickness for myself that never would have been acceptable with my regular white girl friends. My mixed husband likes it. I just want to get more toned again. And flatter stomach.
@unideus That’s so interesting & mirrors the cultural shift in society. Certain celebrities have made “thickness” more popular. I also recently learned that the current definition of thick wasn’t the same back in the day (‘90s & prior) for Black people, as well—it was probably about a size 6-8 with an apple booty.

At any rate, everyone should feel good in their bodies. Although I want to change my weight, I’m still incredibly grateful for my body & what it does for me & I generally love my look.
@weeoz This is such a good point, there's definitely a cultural component to this. As someone who is East Asian, there is basically judgement if you're not as close to 100 lbs possible (regardless of height, sigh!). It's not AS bad being an Asian living in North America (although not great either) but it's especially bad if you're in Asia.
@simsodep8388 Yes, I have noticed most of the gworls who talk about their goal weight of 100ish pounds are often East Asian or white. At first I thought maybe I should aim for that, but baby I love being thicc. 😂 I carry weight well, too, so there are just different factors to consider!
@pottie84 My sister, who has similar stats, says we are sturdy and like food. Our weight is in our booty instead of chest, but definitely relate to this.