Lateral Raises at the end of every workout

@taslott Yeah lmao idk how we got here. I have to be more careful to not mention anything good that's come of socialism or communism online, people are conditioned to hate it as a concept even while they're getting fucked by capitalism. I guess it doesn't matter that I always provide sources too.
@shows The irony that he calls this argument out explicitly in his communism video is hilarious that you are bringing it up, any criticism of communism or socialism with real world examples is always hit with the "but that wasn't real communism, for these reasons"
@arekusun It's a common criticism for a reason, there are a laundry list of reasons why the USSR at that point was not primarily communist and had many other influences that affected the QOL. He was criticizing non-communist policies as a detractor of communism, I'm not sure what you want me to say?
@tennille It's hard to swallow for sure. I try to only follow his fitness YT and forget he does anything else. We all have our own areas of expertise, and our own areas of blindness/biasedness.

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