M 5'11'' movement transformation from 165 lbs to 183 lbs


New member
Hello everyone, I've been sharing some of my movement clips here (monkey movement, lizard movement etc.) and would like to share a bit more this time.

Here is my transformation from 165 lbs to 183 lbs (2013-2015). Before this I did capoeira, dance and I was in shape but not truly fit by any standards.

I'm 180 cm (5’11’’) and 83 kg (183 lbs) and I'm from Finland.

I call this "movement transformation" because I didn't just do it with weights or one specific method, but with numerous of different ways of mixing up kettlebells, weights, calisthenics, martial arts and tried pretty much everything imaginable.

- Before and After

- More pictures

I also upload daily pics/videos to my Instagram @eerowest

-- My actual transformation video which also has tons of training footage to illustrate how I've actually trained.

Training program: Mixing up weight lifting (squats, deadlifts), calisthenics (pull up, muscle ups, dips) and martial arts (capoeira, muay thai, mma) to get my results. I often workout daily but take plenty of rest when needed. Heavy focus on mobility work because it allows me to push to my full potential.

Diet: Instinctual diet which is about listening to my body and focusing on a healthy lifestyle. Not counting calories or following any structure. I eat salads with any kind of meat, tons of nuts, berries and died fruits. For carbs I also like to eat sweet potatoes.


I did Taekwondo in my teens for 4 years and really liked it, but I lost my interest and quit because of lots of school work. After this I did calisthenics with my friend for a few years.

After my 1-year military service, in my early 20s, I started my college studies and around that time I did capoeira for about 2 years. I enjoyed it for the time but eventually got bored and decided to move onto other things.

I did muay thai, breakdance and modern dance for a bit and also started to take proper strength training seriously.

In the beginning, my training was just calisthenics: dips, pull ups, muscle ups and single leg squats. Eventually, I wanted to I try weight training, gymnastics, back squats, deadlifts and everything I could think of.

Hitting the wall

Soon I hit a wall in my training, I wanted to train but couldn’t do it to my full potential. I had some serious problems in my lower back and groin for a long time. Severe discomfort in my shoulder as well.

I visited a couple of physiotherapists but couldn’t get anything that would have actually cured my problems.

It was a long process but eventually it started to yield results and I became an expert in fixing myself and acquired tons of self-knowledge this way.

I realized that most of our problems in training are a result of muscular imbalances that lead to poor mobility, faulty execution and pain. The truth is that almost everything is fixable - if you just find the way.

My versatile training methods has allowed me to take my training to the next level and nowadays I can do feats that I never thought were possible for me.

Now and future

Now after doing personal training and YouTube for a long time, I realize all of my hardships were there to help other people to fix their problems and to assist them to find their own way of training.

This is what actually makes me happy: to show people that it’s possible to be healthy and strong and to train the way you want to train.

You don’t have to accept pain or other problems in your life because most chronic pains are indeed fixable. There is always a way to get stronger.

Best regards,

Eero Westerberg
@dawn16 Currently I have 2-3 bigger workout sessions a week that last about 1-2 hours. But every day I have multiple 5-20 minutes sessions for mobility and accessory work.
@dawn16 The thing is that I haven't had a strict routine for the past six months. It changes almost weekly. The problem with the mobility routines is that it would require pretty detailed instructions. But this is what the YouTube and the website are for. There is already a lot of content and more is coming.
@troybreighton Eerowest. I thought the name sounded familiar. Then I saw the name of the channel. Vahva Fitness. Yep. That animal walk guy :)

Congrats man. I've been following your channel since your first videos. It stood out from the rest. Perfectly executed movements that are beautiful to watch along with awesome music. Quality content from the start. Thank you for all that and best of luck for the future. Keep moving :D
@troybreighton I've also been following since your first post here, in addition to the "Perfectly executed movements that are beautiful to watch along with awesome music." that @unbelievable mentions, your website, social media, all consistently good, and frequently posted. You have the skills, the physique, and you're putting in the effort to get it noticed, this is going to succeed.

I would like to see a video of movement 20xx practice in a home environment. I want to do the program, but I'm concerned that it would be constrained by space.
@troybreighton Wow, this is really motivating!

Do you have any exercises for shoulder pain and knee pain? If I could work on fixing my pains there I feel I could fix my life back to how it used to be...