Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

@brianhex Thank you for bringing this to our attention OP. Other forums are sharing your post as well. I think I have his SS book at home and I've spent the last few minutes trying to figure out what to do with it and I think I've come up with the best solution. I'm going to donate it to the library, but with a special insert on his fear and hatred of women.

Edit: Also, Mark Rippetoe looks like a circumcised penis with ears.
@brianhex If anyone is surprised about Mark's comments they probably haven't been paying much attention. He's got a favourable review of Mein Kampf on his Starting Strength forum.

There's a thread with thousands of Qanon/Trump is God posts. He's 100% convinced that covid is a hoax, the vaccine is a government experiment to control the population, and the pandemic is a global conspiracy to overthrow the Trump presidency. He was touting hydroxychloroquine until it fell out of favour - thankfully right-wing media offered ivermectin as a replacement just in the nick of time.

For a guy who built his reputation on a "scientific" approach to weight training mechanics he's really gone off the deep end when it comes to real science.

And his favourite way to discredit people who don't like his program is to call them a pussy or a vagina or a woman on her period or some other gendered term.
@dawn16 He wrote some asinine blog posts about it. "If you're injured, you should do barbell squats, because you need to work your body as a system. Focusing on one area at a time creates/reinforces imbalances and is bad." And it's like... my guy.... what do you think you do in physical therapy, if not help your body learn to move through its regular activities and ranges of motion, using all the supportive muscle groups and correcting for imbalances?
@cirix ..........You know, for a guy who claims he's all about science, this kind of conclusion doesn't seem to result in science and data................Hm.
@cirix Yes! And this is a topic I'm personally affected by. Years ago I bought into the whole Starting Strength ideology and ended up with a really bad knee. I blame myself for the injury but also for not doing the logical thing to fix it (more of the same wasn't the solution).

Finally I learned from a PT how to strengthen my knees without squats by doing things that Mark Rippetoe advocates against: single leg squats, stretching (esp calves and hips which instantly relieved the pain, temporarily), low weight and high reps, and gasp trapbar deadlifts.

Mark was a great influence on the strength training community early on by re-popularizing basic barbell training but he very quickly became a parody of himself and revealed his true character.
@meow69 My trainer had me start with trap bar deadlifts. I was training with a friend who does them with the regular bar. I tried it. Never again. It was so much harder because I was trying hard not to hit my shins and I ended up focusing more on that than proper form in my back/legs.
@prepperoni I also switched full time to trap bar because my goals are different, plus I have no intention of using the conventional deadlift because I am not going to be a powerlifter. Its a shame rippetoe doesn't see the value in the trap bar and is stuck in his ways. But his choice.


I imagine that if the trapbar had been invented before the straightbar deadlift that Mark would be singing its praises. If nothing else at least he's consistent in aligning his conservative political ideology with his training philosophy - "if it was done in the 1950s then it should still be done now!"
@meow69 Actually the 1950's had far better training than Starting Strength, they did 5x5 but they also stayed in good shape, did higher reps, lower reps, all sorts of bodyweight stuff, odd lifts, and actually looked good while they did it.
@meow69 He also wrote some veeeeery uncomfortable erotica that probably reflects his view of what women are worth... I am not surprised this type of shit is what is breeding in those forums.