Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

@brianhex The original post: clearly this guy doesn’t interact with a variety of women on a regular basis.

Rippetoe’s response: wow. Clearly this guy has been surrounded by too many sycophants for too long and not had his opinions challenged enough. I’m disappointed in him.
@brianhex I remember I once posted in the beginners forum with some things I was confused about. Once they found out I was a woman I was berated so much I deleted the post and my account entirely. I wish I could return my SS book I bought 10 years ago.
@brianhex Fucking yikes. I'm not clicking on those forum links in the comments because my blood pressure doesn't need it, but the quotes in the post alone are pissing me off so much.

Anyway, I'm happy to stick with my unofficial resolution to only buy programs made by women. There are enough free resources out there that I'm not missing out on much, and I'd hate to give my money to someone and then find out one day that they think this violent incel bullcrap is 'interesting'. I'm just :))))))) fuck off
@chrisard Oof, I bought the Starting Strength book just a month ago.

I didn’t do a lot of research on it, I just saw that it was popular, seemed science-based and it was recommended on a fitness subreddit. I just wanted to get started with something instead of getting caught-up in decision paralysis.

Now I feel weird about having linked to it in my posts.
@1990jesusiscoming I feel the same way. I bought Starting Strength when I first started lifting, largely because i didn't know any better at that point, wasn't on Reddit, wasn't in this sub, it was recommended elsewhere, blah blah blah. And as I read it, a lot of it made me uncomfortable, but I couldn't put a finger on why.

I almost was so relieved when I started reading about what he'd done and said, and realized that no, there was a *reason* I was uncomfortable.
@1990jesusiscoming I get how you feel. I wrote a recommendation for a trainer a few years ago. He has since become a SS fan and has quotes from Rip in his studio. I'm about to ask my recommendation be taken down from his website. I don't want it on a site that quotes Rip. Don't want anyone to think I agree with his politics.
@kingspeaks I've also seen some tales from male trainers that worked with/for him who have said he gets a lot of private pictures from female clients and shows them around to the male trainers and brags. Which is pretty gross behaviour.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Bret somehow managed to build a fitness empire around getting to talk about, look at, and touch women's butts, all to feed his fetish.
@monicajoy44 He's gross, but don't feel guilty. Your butt gains are your own and you worked hard for it!

While people praise his work, I honestly didn't think it was that groundbreaking. I used to do lots of "his" butt exercises while playing hockey and soccer 15 yrs ago, they just weren't in a program. If Bret hadn't done the research to find the optimal programming someone else would have eventually.