My 10 Month Calisthenics journey!

@rubynuqui Yup, that's because I don't do chin-ups that often + it was quite a bad day for setting PR so I would say on a good day I would do 18-19 but while I haven't done it don't want to claim it. I will crush that PB so I have nice a number like 20 soon! :D
@alphabet_gr Elbows are quite fragile you have to be careful. I only have two workouts a week which involves elbows a lot (chest+triceps workouts) but I never had issues with it tho. Only time I had pain was when I did 1000 push-ups in 1 workout for a YouTube video but other than that never had issues so make sure to eat properly to fuel your joints with all the necessary things also drinking water plenty helps with this. If nothing helps no other choice but to visit a doctor.
@beerandjesus I have a lot body fat percent I believe. I am 6 ft at 140 lbs (underweight really). They show really well when I lay down. I will try more of those exercises, as losing weight would be dangerous. Do you think planks, situps, and crunches will help abs as well or should I cut them out? Thanks for the help!