No A/C at gym- I feel crazy


New member
Just looking for some insight, or experiences. I’ve been going to a lifting centric gym for awhile now. They were at a prior location that had no A/C, but very high ceilings, in an office/warehouse space between two other units. With this setup, it stayed relatively cool, and I was never too uncomfortable to workout.

Now, they’ve moved to a stand-alone single story warehouse with low ceilings. We’re in a southern US state with hot and humid summers. It’s been in the mid 90’s for the past month. Y’all: I simply cannot express how hot/humid it gets in this gym. They have fans going, but they barely make a difference. It feels suffocating in there. The humidity makes it particularly bad, because sweating doesn’t even cool me down. I can only guess that the inside temp of this gym is in the 80’s, maybe higher.

I’ve gone from working out 5-6 days a week, cardio/lifting, to 2-3 times. The workouts I am getting aren’t great, because I feel like I can’t breathe, I’m slipping on equipment from sweat, etc. I stay hydrated and all, but it’s still rough.

There are a number of staff trainers who I see training clients in there, and none of them seem phased by the heat. I’m not a delicate princess, and have put up with a lot of uncomfortable situations in my job. Had no issues working out in a mask during peak covid. But I feel crazy when I’m in this gym now, because no one else seems to find the conditions to be a deal breaker. Any insights? Does your gym have A/C?

Update: Thank you for all the insight and sharing experiences! My husband and I talked it over this afternoon and are going to look for a new gym. He’s also not into working out in the heat. I respect all of you who are able to power through it! You are tougher than me!
@ericanicolee i go to a gym with no AC either. The weird thing is that they only turn it on during the day and i go an hour or two before they close. The moment i enter the gym i start sweating. If the gym wasnt packed during the day then i would totally go. But hey, if you pass out from the heat then maybe they will give u a lifetime membership or something.
@ericanicolee My gym doesn't have AC but it's in Vermont so it's really only bad for a few weeks in the summer. I'm also a weirdo and I don't mind exercising in the heat as long as I properly hydrate ahead of time.
@ericanicolee I'm able to tolerate the heat. As a matter of fact, I kind of like it. People have different tolerances for things like that.

That being said, do you bring your own water? Regardless of whether my gym's AC is working or not (sometimes it doesn't in the whole gym or doesn't in certain areas), I bring a water bottle that I froze overnight. The ice eventually melts during my workout session, and I wind up having ice cold water the entire time I'm there. Otherwise, not doing this, by the time I'm done, I'd have luke warm water. Who wants that?
@ericanicolee This is so weird, because you could be describing my gym! (I'm in NC.) Checked the thermometer when I was in there yesterday evening and it was 90 degrees. Overall, I don't mind it, because I usually go at night when it's a bit cooler, anyway. But I totally feel your pain!!
@ericanicolee That’s nuts… even with air con if the temperature is hot it’s unbearable! I’m thinking in hot conditions having no air con would be catastrophic! I for one would probably pass out on the treadmill and smash my face in…. Not good
@dawn16 Right at least you will feel a cold breeze, if I'm going to hotbox myself while working out I better be getting tanned at the same time.
@ericanicolee I couldn't work out in a gym with no A/C in GERMANY! It actually gets pretty hot there in the summer and the gym feels even hotter. I have no idea how anyone can work out in a gym with no A/C in the US south! How is this gym even still in business? Isn't it a health hazard to have no A/C in a gym that's located in a very hot humid climate? Wtf? I'd leave this gym ASAP. I'm sure almost every other gym in your area has A/C.
@ericanicolee My gym has a/c but they don't seem to be turning it on, presumably due to budget cuts. I get it, a lot of people cancelled their gym memberships in the last year or two, but I end up leaving after half an hour every time. Between the humidity, the heat, and the mask compounding the issue, I end up having sweat dripping down me all over and it doesn't feel worth it at all. It is easily in the high 80's and low 90's indoors. Unfortunately, because it's the cheapest gym around that still includes a pool and it has easy parking, I'm not likely to switch.
@ericanicolee I can't do the heat and I was born and raised in the Florida panhandle. Shit makes me grumpy as hell, unless I'm somewhere that requires a bathing suit.

I'd have found a new gym yesterday. The other night I was at our gym, a squash key club, and I realized they turn down the A/C after 9pm or so... It was only 78 and I was all 😒 about it, lol.
@ericanicolee Girl, I'm in Minnesota and I have never heard of a gym with no AC.

I'd probably still go tho cuz I'm always freezing in AC. 90 degrees outside says shorts and tank top. 68 degrees inside says sweatshirts and thick yoga pants or else I literally turn blue even if I'm doing cardio (for real... If I break a sweat, it just makes me cold again). So I always change at the gym or else just work out outside.
@ericanicolee If that’s a big deal to you to the point you feel you can’t work out then try and switch. However, I’ve worked out in huge warehouse gyms with no fans just garage doors open in the heat and humidity of Florida. What helps me is of course wearing less clothing but for being too sweaty to lift you honestly have to use a ton of chalk. That’s what it’s for, use it on your hands or chest or wherever you’re sweaty and need not to be. There are lots of ventilated athletic or cooling tank tops that can help. Nikes sweat wicking shorts are also helpful. In the south there’s really only three months of super awful heat so if you really like the gym otherwise just sticking it out for a bit isn’t the worst
@ericanicolee Question: do you take antidepressants at all? They can do a number on you by lowering your heat tolerance as well as slightly raising your core temps. Excessive sweating is also a side effect of them so if you're on anything of that nature that would be a legitimate concern.

I also can sympathize entirely! Went with my partner to their gym today and it's more of an older-school iron lifter gym. Wasn't my jam but he loves it. But damn there's no A/C and i was feeling kinda sick from the heat after a bit! While my gym gets hot too and i sweat tons they have just enough A/C going that it isn't debilitating and you can actually cool down a bit between sets. When the air i'm breathing in almost feels warmer than what i'm breathing out it's awful.
@dawnabittle4u Wow- how did I never realize that was a side effect of antidepressants? I’ve been on one SSRI or another for 12 years, especially since I’ve been on the most recent one, I cannot deal with heat. I’m hot pretty much all the time- always hotter than people around me. And don’t get me started on the sweating! Thanks for validating me because I thought I was just sensitive, lol
@ericanicolee I'm someone who is fine working out in the heat (Australian here), but I really cannot bear working out in the cold. So, I kinda feel the opposite of your pain.

If you're not attached to this gym for specific reasons, I would leave. It's so unpleasant to work out in an environment that you find uncomfortable, and not worth it if there is a comparable gym that does have AC.

Good luck with whichever way you choose to go on this one :)
@ericanicolee I don't feel good training in the heat. I can still do weights/yoga and such but not cardio. I do not tolerate heat well (a "vacation" to Florida is my idea of a nightmare), and I sweat insane amounts so if I were to exert myself in the heat, I have to drink electrolyte solution. If there was another choice, I'd 100% go to another gym. Otherwise, when I was once in a position where the only decent gym near my house didn't have AC, I simply didn't do any cardio between March and October. I mostly lift, so it only had a minor impact on my routine.