Progress Report: Getting fit & healthy while having a full-time sedentary job

@contemplatingfarmer This is great timing for me to see this post -- I'm 5'4 and ~123lbs aiming for the 115 range. I go running after work (at my sedentary programming job) 3-4 times a week but I'm trying to incorporate more strength/bodyweight training in my routine. Plus I need to eat more now with the increased activity lol. Totally saving this! Thanks OP
@contemplatingfarmer Omg that second picture with your abs made my heart skip a beat. Talk about inspirational! Well done. You look amazing. I'm at a sedentary job too and also struggling to keep a healthy active lifestyle. Although, in my case I'm borderline underweight so for me the struggle is eating more without it being junk, but more importantly being active! This is really motivating

Thanks for sharing!
@contemplatingfarmer Your progress is awesome! I also have a sedentary job and went from being super active in high school/early undergrad to a couch potato haha. Is this the only routine you’ve done or have you tried other things too?
@contemplatingfarmer You look awesome, and thanks for the detailed plan! Love the balance, realism, and dedication :)

I’m curious — do you alternative muscle groups or anything, or just do the same routine each day?
@dawn16 Honestly I just stick to the same routine because full body and cardio works for me. I've never been one to have "leg day" and what not but I admire people who set those plans in motion and follow them. I don't think I need to, so I don't, maybe I will in future! I also go to hot yoga and play on a volleyball league so I have other ways to target other areas too!
@contemplatingfarmer Thank you so much for posting this! I've always felt like there wasn't much hope for my physique due to my sedentary desk job. I always feel like I had to be doing something MORE than going to the gym for an hour every day, in order to look lean while sitting all day. Diet is definitely huge though!

This gives me a little more inspiration that I can do it too. I appreciate this so much!
@contemplatingfarmer Thanks for the motivation! I'm starting at 131 right now, and hoping to get to 112 actually. The past couple of years of uni have been terrible for my health, and this was the perfect progress motivation needed to get my butt in gear
@wowgirl2013 I was able to get my employer to get some adjustable stand up desks, it was a game changer when I moved from field work into the office. Highly recommend them.
@contemplatingfarmer Do you drink alcohol? I have the exact same before stats as you, I have a similar work-out routine, and I eat a similar diet on a typical day. However, I know my problem is the empty calories from alcohol and the poor sleep and food-related decision making that comes from drinking. I think maybe I just need to face the music that my goals probably can't be accomplished when I derail myself every week with a few glasses of wine.