PSA: if you workout in a small secluded gym, don’t do supersets and hog 2-3 machines

@dawn16 But still, people just don't get it. At my college gym, this one old mf, I think he was a lecturer, would work out for three/four hours every other day and he'd superset like half the machines and weights in the gym. You could be on the other side of the gym, touch a machine he last used four exercises ago, and that bitchass would sprint on over talking about "hurr im supersetting" like fuck off
@dawn16 bro lol you'd think they would look like Rich Piana by now but mfs don't even look peak natty. Like what is the point of doing all that just to be average
@dawn16 I saw this and thought the same thing. Briefly considered making a short Gym etiquette/how to not be a dick guide in preparation for new years rush but I'm guessing the overlap of people on this subreddit and who are complete newbies and don't already know this stuff is fairly low
@junior59 Yup, there’s certainly a lot of beginners here, if the posts are any indication, but they at least seem to have some basic understanding of how gyms work.
@aeri20 I lift in a small powerlifting club that's recently been mogged by college kids. It has 6 combo racks, a couple cages, a few platforms, a belt squat, dumbbells, and a single one lat pulldown and cable stack.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings we somehow have 40 people lifting at once. How do we make it work? We share.

You're benching or squatting? Me too. Mind if I work in? I've never heard anyone say no. The most negative response anyone received is something around regimented rest time.
@fireblaze I will say, a lot of people probably don’t mean to be machine/rack hogs and are just in the zone or not paying attention or whatever.

In the 50+ times I’ve ever asked across multiple gyms across multiple US states, no one has ever said no to me politely asking if I could work in. At least yet, maybe I’ve had good luck. Yes, even those kids with the douchey looking broccoli hair lol, you’d be surprised how polite some of them are..
@aeri20 You superset based on the equipment! If you are on the squat rack, you squat and superset inverted rows…or overhead press and inverted rows, dumbbell bench and one arm db rows…only selfish assholes take 2 or more machines