Spiraling down a pandemic depression hole so I bought a treadmill

@godzillla What's good idea! Set it near a window or in the garage to enjoy fresh air or rig up a desk or way to watch your favorite show! I hope you find some relief, what,hard way to spend ten months.
@godzillla It’s a great purchase!! I’ve had mine for a number of years now and I love it. I walk/ walk on an incline / jog / do hiit intervals while listening to my favourite music. I am always - ALWAYS - in a better mood when I’m done!
@godzillla I try to treat my workouts like they are mandatory work meetings that can't be rescheduled. Write down in your schedule that you need to spend such and such amount of time, at a specific time, every day. Because self-care IS mandatory.
btw, great thing about walking on the treadmill while in quarantine is if you must have a virtual doctors appointment or something you can do both at the same time!
@godzillla Walking is beneficial! Even if it is one minute to start with. I don't know how severe your depression is, but if it is deep and one minute is all you do- that is okay! There will be other days that you will do a minute and decide you can do more!
@godzillla Echoing what some others mentioned, try committing to turning it on and walking on it everyday, even if only for 10 seconds. You might find that once you’re on it and moving, you’ll go for a minute. So on and so forth. Dick Van Dyke committed to going to gym everyday no matter what. Sometimes he would get through the doors and turn around a go home. But the minimum effort usually leads to more.
@godzillla No that sounds like a great idea! Why don’t you also buy the adjustable weights? They have some on amazon that adjust from 5 pounds to 80 pounds, and can even connect into a larger barbell for deadlifts and hip thrusts. Trust me it’s worth it!!
@godzillla I have fortunately had a treadmill for over 20 years. Same treadmill. Anyway I either watch a show and walk and run or I watch running / walking scenery on YouTube and crank up the jams. Ran 4 miles today through Amsterdam. Yesterday I ran through London. The different scenery and the music really change my mood. (You can search - virtual run or treadmill scenery - all sorts of options - and free)

Good luck!!
@godzillla I LOVE my treadmill, and hope that you will come to really enjoy yours, too. I never get bored on it, but that's because I either watch TV, listen to music, or my favorite...listen to podcasts. Does yours have an incline? There are really so many things you can do on the treadmill, especially if it inclines. Sometimes I'll go for several minutes, then hop off and do some pushups or some other quick exercise (maybe shoulder presses), hop back on, etc.
@godzillla Any time that you spend walking on your treadmill is a good investment! Maybe try to just do 15 minutes and see how you feel. You can do 15 minutes of anything! And then go from there. You can do it!

I’m working on getting a treadmill for myself. COVID has made me realize that I don’t like going out and I’d rather have a treadmill and walk at home.
@godzillla Honestly I think moving during this time will help a lot! Like for me I think binge watching things while walking is awesome since you can get caught up in what you are watching and keep moving
@godzillla Walking is the one activity I always come back to and is so good for mental health as well! If you want some other things to change it up with I highly recommend this YouTube channel for free yoga at home. Perfect to get you to feel more in contact with your body. There is a 30 day program that started today as well! https://youtube.com/c/yogawithadriene
@godzillla Find a step goal challenge on your phone for the month of January, I use the one on Samsung Health. I hop on my treadmill and walk 10k steps while I read my book. You got this 😊
@godzillla Howdy! I too, bought a treadmill for home. It's a mini one that fits in my living room. I've had it about 2 months and have been determined not to let it become a coat rack lol.

You can put together a progressive style plan to set yourself up for success! Pick a step count that seems reasonable and shoot to average that many steps per day for the next month. Then increase your target the month after. For example, I'm shooting for 11k steps / day average for January. Then in Feb I will up it to 11.5k, March will be 12k and so on. It's a slow and steady progression that allows for some "off days" as long as you make up for it on a better day. You don't have to be successful every single day, which is why I think this will work. If I stay on target, I'll be up to 17k steps / day in December, which means I'll probably have to start running lol!

Congrats on your purchase! I'm using mine as I type this :) good luck