Spiraling down a pandemic depression hole so I bought a treadmill

@godzillla I also purchased one last month. I run probably every other day but the thing I love about it has been doing an incline walk at night while watching a movie or a few TV shows. Keeps me from being a couch potato every night! Sometimes I wear a weight vest, sometimes I don't
@godzillla I started doing walking lunges at the end of my treadmill runs to strength train my glutes/quads and I really like that! That's coming from a mostly ex-powerfifter. Plus pushups and if you can get a place to do pullups (or negatives) and you've basically got a full body routine!!
@godzillla I’ll be your walking buddy! I stress-purchased a treadmill last week. Walking is my therapy and meditation and I can’t go outside bc of weather now. My gym has limited hours and is filled with selfish people.

I’m using the peloton walking app plus watching Netflix. Nothing fast, around 2.5-3. I have daily steps goals!
@godzillla Walking and jogging is amazing for getting you moving and getting the endorphins flowing!

I highly recommend checking out the Peloton app, which is free for two months and very affordable otherwise (I think it’s $13 a month?). There are tonsssss of walking, walk/run, jogging, etc classes that can be done on any treadmill or even outdoors. There are also yoga, barre, Pilates, and body weight strength classes. There’s a ton of variety in music, class format, and instructor style.
@godzillla I got a treadmill this year b/c I'm scared to slip on ice while running.

My goal is simply 'move' so I usually just pick a small distance and then walk or run if I feel like it. So if I wanna run I'll just say ok I'll do a mile and see how I feel. Then if I wanna keep going I will, if I wanna get off that's ok too. I think lowering the threshold for what 'counts' helps me be more consistent in actually getting on the thing. Even a 1 mile run can boost my mood significantly.
@godzillla A key to being successful with using the treadmill is turning it into a habit. So, figure out a TV show you want to watch on Netflix etc and commit to walking while watching an episode say 5x a week. That will build the habit for you and then you can build on intensity from there.

Regarding weights, check out r/bodyweightfitness - you don't need weights. You will be amazed what you can do with your own weight at home.

Best of luck - you've got this!
@godzillla I'm immunocompromised as well. Bought a treadmill back in February, it's been a lifesaver during the pandemic!

You don't have to put much effort into walking; you can listen to podcasts or whatever while you do it. It's a great way to stay active.
@godzillla Hey! Great job, but you aren't starting at the beginning. You are just starting a new chapter, path, fork in the road etc. You have more knowledge and experience than you did almost a year ago. Appreciate that you are going to invest in your health and over all self. Don't beat yourself up if you aren't running a marathon next week. Do accept this is where you are. And every time you get up on there for a 5 min walk, 10 min HIIT or 60 min jog, be proud internally, cause you can do this and then, take over the world!

Not trying to sound preachy at all. Just encouraging you to give yourself permission to go for it :)
@godzillla Anything that will help improve your health and mood is never a bad purchase! I love listening to audio books and podcasts on my walks. Audible and Audiobooks.com both offer free trials and 2 free books.
@godzillla Another vote for peloton. They are doing 2 months free right now. They have walking, running, tread boot camp, plus yoga, and body weight strength classes. I got a treadmill in the beginning of the pandemic and sincerely could not make myself run. I walked for 30-60 minutes and it was good, but the peloton app kicked my butt into gear and I’m running (and doing so much more) all the time now! The instructors are awesome, I really recommend it.
@godzillla Walking/jogging on a treadmill is great! I find it a lot easier to go a consistent pace for a longer distance, and it tends to be easier on your joints.

But it can get a little boring sometimes. There's youtube videos of 'running trails' that you can pull up to pretend you're going down those, or just watching tv while you go. Or! I love the Zombies Run app, which gives you a story to follow - so if you want to find out what happens next you have to go on another walk/run. They now even have a Home Front mode for the pandemic with additional non-running bodyweight exercises to do in lockdown.
@heartofberries I love that app! I've caught myself answering Sam more than once while I'm on the treadmill. I'm cool with Sam, when others get on com (Janine, looking at you girl) I get annoyed on Sam's behalf.
@vandat1 I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood thinks I'm a madwoman, because I've had the full range of emotions - loudly - while out on a run. Usually I'm laughing, but I won't say there haven't been a lot of swearing and even tears.
@godzillla No way - walking is how I've kept my sanity for the past year. It's great for general fitness (as is running), and also mental health to be moving. Put on a show, or crank some music, and you'll start feeling so much better.

A few people here have mentioned bodyweight workouts, which will supplement your walking/running greatly and they're no joke. I didn't have any equipment when I started out, but did a lot of YouTube workouts that were focused on bodyweight strength. Fitness Blender, Heather Robertson, Caroline Girvan (if you're looking for something intense) all have solid workouts.
@godzillla I got a treadmill during the summer too bc I was going CRAZY without OTF. Walking was a HUGE boost to my mental physical health. I have tv shows I could only watch on the tread. I totally notice the days I don’t walk my mood is in the toilet.