Stuck on 25lbs dumbbell for incline chest press


New member
Hi guys! As the title hints, I have been using 25lbs dumbbell (50 if combined) for my inclined chest press for 56 days now. I work out at a bakal gym so the next weight is 30lbs. I tried lifting it but it is too heavy for me that I cannot perform the exercise with the proper form. My problem is I can’t seem to progress from 25lbs. My rep range is 6-8 and there are times that I cant hit 8 at my first set. How do I progress from this? Afraid that I plateaued.

For context: I am currently training 6 days a week, following a PPL x Arnold split (Rest day: thursday). I do 3 exercises for 3 sets each muscle group except back (5 exercises sa back). Currently bulking, hitting my protein intake and right amount of sleep (8-9hrs). I also train with intensity all 3 sets.
@isthaail13 If you're not progressing despite all of that then there's definitely something wrong with your program.
  1. It can be as simple as not resting long enough in between sets(please be longer than 2 mins)
  2. It can be as complex as your whole program not being able to provide enough stimulus
  3. It might be that you're not recovering enough to grow.
It's hard to say which one is the right answer because we need more detail..with the limited data I can say that it's most likely a program issue. I dont like reddit programs in general and the ppl arnold is probably one of those popular ones that is really bad at explaining why and how progress works. Puro mumbo jumbo and random use of influencer words that try to explain stuff but all boil down to trust me bro. Personally, id step away from any program that is 6x a week if you're a beginner.