This is my one transformation after starting lifting

@claireanneh Hahaha I hear ya! Everywhere I frequent has the best craft beers too. Plus summer/beach/beer days... Oh well I hate my gut more than I love there's that. It will become a treat now and then rather than a weekly devourment. I just need to buy myself an adult sippy cup so wine can become my road pop of choice... Plus free lip stain. I'm glad to hear ditching beer really does shrink the belly!
@sanobia206 I prefer the little personal boxes with a straw stuck in it. Like bota or black box, perfect for summer days at the dog park, water activities, and generally being in public where alcohol consumption is frowned upon.

Because I am klassy, with a k.
@sanobia206 You do not need a straw for the bag, tip your head back and enjoy. Especially great for river floats, just be careful getting out of your tube. I also teach beer bonging off elephant ear leaves for those trying to get in touch with nature.

I like the way you jive.
@claireanneh Oh my gosh. You look amazing. I started weightlifting in January and you really inspired me to keep up with it.

I know this is really personal, but would you mind giving height, weight, and caloric intake? Thanks for sharing!
@claireanneh I am sorry for your loss :(

Regarding the weight, though, keep in mind that muscle is denser and heavier than fat, so you probably lost a bunch of fat and then replaced it with muscle. That's why the scale isn't that great an indicator of prgress on its own.
@claireanneh As another lady who lifts heavy--thank you. So many women out there need to realize that muscle and strength is sexy and important! I'm terribly sorry about your loss, but I'm really happy that you found the strength to persevere and decide to take control of your health.

In any case, you've made fantastic progress. Great looking back! Keep pushing.
@dawn16 Not really, the thing is....dont go all gung-ho into it. Thats what causes the burn out and people to quit. When you see someone powering through a workout, you don't have to keep up with them. Start at your pace. If that means bicep curls, go for it! Just not in my squat rack please :)
@claireanneh I know better than to go gung ho about it. I am not going to start out doing what you are doing but its good to know what I am working towards. I've been lifting for a while but haven't really found a good routine to stick to.
@dawn16 Yeah, I actually do a couple programs melted into what works for me. I think that after figuring out which muscle groups are resistant and which ones are more prone to shine helped

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