This is my one transformation after starting lifting

@claireanneh Firstly, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother. :(

Secondly, I have a lot of admiration for the progress you've made in lifting! It's inspirational and certainly shows the virtues of perseverance. You look fantastic and the tattoo is awesome too! I hope by summer, I'll also be happy to show mine off. :)
@claireanneh I'm so sorry for your loss. That's awful.

Holy wow, though, you look amazing! Your back! Your arms! Those abs! All your hard work has certainly paid off - and it's encouraging to see that running has not interfered with your ability to bulk up those muscles. You, madam, are a warrior - way to go.
@dawn16 It's okay, I've accepted my loss. It sucks, but I think it made me come out as more a patient and generally changed my attitude about life for the positive. I don't run often at all and usually for no more than 30 minutes. I just lift faster ha!
@claireanneh I am a runner but not a very good one - asthma and bad knees give me a lot to work against so I haven't even managed to do a 5K. But that's all I want anyway. I started strength training this winter and I've been concerned that, if I start going for runs, it's going to shoot me iin the foot and undo the muscle gains. But it doesn't look like that's the case, and from what I've heard froom others, it's only when you start doing crazy long runs that it has a negative effect on muscle mass.

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