New member
From 21yo/m/175cm/60kg
to 22yo/m/175cm/68,8kg
Hey y'all, I started working out around Juli 2016 for about 3 months (RR only) and had roughly a 6 month break over the winter, then restarted around April and did the RR for about 2 months, I was constantly bulking very slowly counting calories and macros (MyFitnessPal).
Pics/Vids: Body, Muscle-Up weighted, Muscle-Ups, Front-Lever
Achievements: Muscle-Up (none to 4x7), Handstand (no hold to 3-6sec, either pushed into or kicked up), Front Lever (not even being able to swing up properly to 4-5sec)
I currently do not have a fix routine, but rather try to go with from weakest to strongest splitting into pull, push, core (and legs which I always do last)
EDIT: Forgot to mention I work out every second day, meaning
|Mo, We, Fr, Su, Tu, Th, Sa, Mo|
-->Skin-The-Cats (whatever amount I am feeling)
-->FL progressions, (tucked, cycling, full and ice cream makers occasionally)
--> Handstand (Chest to wall, Freestanding and occasionally Back to wall)
-->6 minute plank variations (1min plank, 1min reverse, 1min each side, hollow body, etc...)
-->Knee Raises 3x30
-->Windshield Wipers 3x20 (10 each side)
--> 3xMax Pull-Ups followed by a max hold after the last rep and slow descent (15/13/12 usually)
-->same with Chin-Ups but letting go and going into 10 rows instead of holding on top
-->3x15 Diamonds
-->3x12 Archer (or 3xOAP each side)
-->3xMax Dips
was my workout for the last couple days for example, they are all a lot alike, I just switch out some exercises for others but keep the template the same.
TBH my diet is just Oatmeal, Peanuts and Chicken 90% of the time with the occasional fish and cheatday is McD usually, like I said it's a clean-ish Iifym version
Diet: Since a couple people asked, I'll go more in-depth about it. I am a student and as such on a rather tight budget (easily enough for me, but I still try to save where I can), This means a typical day will be:
to 22yo/m/175cm/68,8kg
Hey y'all, I started working out around Juli 2016 for about 3 months (RR only) and had roughly a 6 month break over the winter, then restarted around April and did the RR for about 2 months, I was constantly bulking very slowly counting calories and macros (MyFitnessPal).
Pull-Up: from 3x8 to 5x10 (and on some days I train weighted to change things up a bit: weight days 3x10 with 7.5kg)
Push-Up: 3x10 to 4-5x15 (again sometimes 4-5x10 with 7.5kg)
Dips: 3x10 to 4x20 (weighted 3x12 with 7.5kg)
L-Sit: 3x10sec (hang only) to 3x30sec on p-bars (15sec with 1.25kg on feet)
Pistol-Squats: 6 each to 6 each, I rarely do them
Tire-Flips: sadly I don't know the weights but from medium tire 12 flips, heavy tire no flip to medium tire 20 flips, heavy tire 3 flips
Bodyweight-Rows: 3x10 to 5x15
Pics/Vids: Body, Muscle-Up weighted, Muscle-Ups, Front-Lever
Achievements: Muscle-Up (none to 4x7), Handstand (no hold to 3-6sec, either pushed into or kicked up), Front Lever (not even being able to swing up properly to 4-5sec)
I currently do not have a fix routine, but rather try to go with from weakest to strongest splitting into pull, push, core (and legs which I always do last)
EDIT: Forgot to mention I work out every second day, meaning
|Mo, We, Fr, Su, Tu, Th, Sa, Mo|
-->Skin-The-Cats (whatever amount I am feeling)
-->FL progressions, (tucked, cycling, full and ice cream makers occasionally)
--> Handstand (Chest to wall, Freestanding and occasionally Back to wall)
-->6 minute plank variations (1min plank, 1min reverse, 1min each side, hollow body, etc...)
-->Knee Raises 3x30
-->Windshield Wipers 3x20 (10 each side)
--> 3xMax Pull-Ups followed by a max hold after the last rep and slow descent (15/13/12 usually)
-->same with Chin-Ups but letting go and going into 10 rows instead of holding on top
-->3x15 Diamonds
-->3x12 Archer (or 3xOAP each side)
-->3xMax Dips
was my workout for the last couple days for example, they are all a lot alike, I just switch out some exercises for others but keep the template the same.
TBH my diet is just Oatmeal, Peanuts and Chicken 90% of the time with the occasional fish and cheatday is McD usually, like I said it's a clean-ish Iifym version
Diet: Since a couple people asked, I'll go more in-depth about it. I am a student and as such on a rather tight budget (easily enough for me, but I still try to save where I can), This means a typical day will be:
Breakfast: 150g Oatmeal, 300g milk, 300ml milk and 30g Protein powder from DM, a cheap drugstore.
Lunch: 400-500g of chicken or turkey, depending on my local supermarkets offers and sales
Dinner: if I didnt have the chicken/turkey for lunch (time is sometimes tight), I'll have it here along with something like bananas, more Oatmeal, occasionally I will eat fishsticks too or Sushi (either selfmade or supermarket)
Snacks: My secret, 200g of peanuts for a total of 1200kcal, I don't snack much else other than this and the occasional scoop of ice cream, since I work as a part time ice cream vendor.
-->other stuff I sometimes throw in: Avocados, Mushrooms, Noodles, McDonalds BigMac Menu (instead of one meal), Döner Yufka, Potatoes (rare) usually in conjunction with the chicken/turkey. I don't consume sweets roughly every 2-3 months when I feel like I am getting too obsessive with my diet and want to take a week off / ease up.