UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

@hellokitty Gotta say. You are very dedicated based on your post. Here’s some suggestions you can play with. May as well try something different from what you’re doing right?
  1. Make the eccentric portions of all your exercises at least 4 seconds long. (While still going to near concentric failure) You might have to lower the amount of sets per exercise. That’s okay.
  2. Eat before the gym AND bring some Gatorade powder to drink throughout the session
  3. Do all your exercises in the 5-8 range.
  4. Make sure you’re actually gaining weight. Cause guess what? You’re probably not gaining much muscle if you aren’t.
@levettle if he ate within 3 hours of the gym he should be fine, although a quick digesting carb source is always good within an hour for a quick boost. People definitely dont stress the eccentrics. If he wants size I'd say 10+ on reps depending on the exercise. 5s are more for strength.

Your number 4 should be what hes looking at, is the scale moving. At his calories and weight/body comp the calories are probably well excessive unless hes not tracking properly and undereating (common problem with cutting[overeating] or gaining). If it isnt measured via scale it isn't tracked, don't just eye things and premade meals arent never correct, its an estimate.
@hellokitty Even when going to failure you need to watch your form, I know it's hard but if you can't finish the rep with good form then that's failure. Just a note.

All the machine exercises are fine, just know the limits of what workout machines will give you.

Your routine is a little mixed up maybe? I noticed you have Row Machine on upper pec day, is that on purpose? You like to mix it up a bit and not only do one group?

Last time you posted everyone said you need to work on progressive overload, did you not want to try that? I know you have this RIR system you're sticking to, but progressive overload is well studied to have effect.
@hellokitty Pick a program that is 3-4 days a week, focuses on heavy compound work as the backbone, and drive up the intensity on those lifts. Eat like your life depends on it. Report back in 12-16 weeks.
@hellokitty on top of the fact that you really are over complicating things, your form is not great. i clicked only a couple vids and could see that youd do better if you had a trainer to walk you through this. Get a trainer or pick a simple plan, i saw someone suggest 5x5 and if your goals are muscle mass and power, thatd be a good place to start. you cant go wrong with push/pull/legs. lift heavy, close or all the way to failure. sleep 8-10 hours, eat more, and try not to think about it all too much. i made a lot of mistakes for years thinking i was never doing enough or doing too much and it just set me back so much. it doesnt have to be complicated in the beginning (or ever)
@hellokitty Simplify it for yourself, you're a beginner.

Do a push/pull/legs split with a day off in between splits. Aim to do 12 reps per set. If you can do 15 then move up in weight. Do that weight until you can do 15 again and then move up in weight.

Remember, you've got to give your muscles a reason to grow, either increase the weight, the intensity, or the number of reps. You should ache a bit the next couple of days.

And don't eat so much, that's way too many calories for your current frame, you'll just end up putting on a load of fat.

Edit: added more info.
@hellokitty It's obviously all personal but I'd suggest eating more calories. Start weighing yourself and if you aren't moving up in weight, increase your calories by more. Make sure you're putting the energy from that good into good use and pushing for progressive overload.

That is also an insane amount of protein, you do not need that much, especially with the amount of calories you're eating.
@hellokitty Don’t know why you’re getting defensive, people are just trying to help you.

Everyone’s right though. Reduce your volume, lower the weight a bit and focus on executing perfect form. Watch a YouTube video for form on each exercise you’re doing. Aim to hit failure (utilizing good form) every set.

You’re getting more than enough calories and protein so just stay consist for a few months and guaranteed you’ll make gains, in both strength and size. It’s not rocket science.
@hellokitty Bro your way overthinking this, and sounds like your expecting fast results in just weeks.
find the Reddit PPL, push yourself on it, eat in a surplus and then come back here in 12 months and see us. If your going to measure body parts every few weeks your gunna end up very depressed
@hellokitty In many of the videos you aren't really controlling the eccentric nor pausing at the stretched position. For example on the leg press it looked like you were dropping and in a way bouncing the rep off the bottom. I'd lower the weights a bit and do more quality reps.

But muscle building is not just about the training, it's also about being in a state of anabolism, putting on weight and recovering from the workouts fully.
@hellokitty I only checked a few, form looks good. Caveat: I'm not a personal trainer. But to me it looks decent. Keep going. Just keep in mind: going to failure all the time leads to a lot of fatigue, so maybe do a deload a bit more often just so you don't burn out / get injured (thats the worst for your progress). I heard the advice it takes about 5 years to get a good physique naturally so I think if you follow this program for 5 years, check your progress, make sure that progressive overload is on point, it will definitely pay off. Good luck
@hellokitty Those calories are excessive, you probably aren't seeing muscle due to the fat gains keeping it covered. Scale back calories to a surplus of roughly 2-300, especially if you are an experienced lifter. Increase overall volume and don't worry about strength as that will come naturally with the size (unless you prefer powerlifting). Your program also looks pretty lack luster overall. I'd suggest 3 on 1 off split either ppl(push,pull,legs) or chest/back, shoulders/arms, legs. Also check your hormones, I hit a point when I was lifting after 3 years all progress stalled and I could not lose fat or gain muscle regardless of surplus or deficit (this was tested over the 3rd year) come to find out I had low test (