Weekly Question Thread - Week of 10/1/2018

@paparazi257 is it healthy to squat and deadlift everyday? ive been going to the gym twice a day, in the morning i go and hardcore stretch for about 30 minutes, then i do 5x5 of 135 lbs squats and then 5x5 of 135 lbs deadlifts with maybe 1-2 minute breaks inbetween each set. is that healthy or no?
@dawn16 I don't see why not. At those kind of loads your probably not going to be doing a whole lot of muscle damage. However, if you decide you want to start progressing in weight on those lifts to build muscle, your going to have a bad time deadlifting or squatting every day.
@hoahongden Your performance drops and injury risk rises.

There is literally no reason to stretch before lifting if you can stretch on all the other days. If you need the stretching for mobility issues at the squat then do dynamic stretching or stretch when you don't lift and you will have the mobility when you lift.

There also is some evidence that post workout stretching is reducing gains so just to be safe I wouldn't do that either.
@trumpeter2 Lol how old are you?

I do moderate stretching after every workout and I have gains. My evidence is anecdotal so I'm not going to be sourcing you anything. I was just curious if you had any sources, but if not I'll continue doing things my way and you can continue doing things yours. Good day
@trumpeter2 @trumpeter2 hop off your damn high horse. If someone asks where you got your information don't start a pissing contest. If you don't know where you heard it then simply state it, if you read it, link it. Let's be adults.
@dawn16 AKA nobody.

Dynamic stretching isn't that bad, but also not necessary when you have the mobility, before lifting but static stretching is just bullshit. Cold stretching is bullshit too.